Chapter 15: Twilight Traveling

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Once Star & Marco finally wrapped up, sexual interactions, they showered & dressed themselves. If they were going to have a night on the town, they were going to revel in it. For Star, her outfit choice was easy: her gifted blue jeans, her "Star Bubble Butt Butterfly" t-shirt, and her custom-made pink leather jacket. For Marco, he decided to mix it up a little bit, opting for a black short-sleeved hoodie - with his grey shirt underneath - in lieu of his traditional red one, his black skinny jeans, spiked wristbands, and a blackish-gray bandana. And of course, their promise rings.

Immediately Star became mesmerized. "Well well, who do we have here?"

"Just thought I'd spice things up just a little bit for you." Marco said, proudly showing off his new outfit. "It's nothing major, I'm just feeling a little risky tonight. That's all."

"Who are you and what have you done with my Marco?" She purred, walking up to him and planting a kiss on his lips. "This outfit looks amazing on you."

"Well you would know amazing, wouldn't you?"

"OH stop..." She said with a blush. "What can I say? This outfit just works for me."

"You can say that again." It was his turn to purr at him.

"Admit it, Marco. You like this shirt."

"Well..." He stammered, blushing madly. "I love how much you love that shirt."

She playfully rolled her eyes. "I'll get you to crack one of these days, Diaz."

"Keep telling yourself that."

They laughed together and kissed again, nothing but smiles all around. "Okay, so how are we going to do this?"

He gently grabbed her hand and led her to the living room, opening up to the curtains to the balcony and traversing to the edge, directing her attention down to the ground where they could see two faint figures of security guards standing around. "Okay, it's 11:00 and security around this place has been ramped up to 11."

"Seems kind of excessive, don't you think?"

He shrugged. "Well they don't want anyone breaking into the place when there's very few employees around to mitigate damage, I guess."

"Makes sense but why does that mean we can't go out after hours? What if we want to have a night out, like we want right now?"

Again, another shrug. "I don't make the rules, Star. But it's not a big deal, we can totally work around this."

"Yeah we can!" A high-five between the two of them as they pumped themselves up for their reckoning. "So...what's the game plan?"

Marco took to analyzing the area. From the security guards to the various ledges his eye caught on the way down. Surely this was going to be a challenge. But it would be worth it to see their adventure through. "It's gonna be tricky, but I think we can pull this off. We'll have to make our way down slowly and quietly so we don't make any noise, and we'll have to sneak past those guards without getting caught."

"What do you think would happen if they did catch us?"

"I'd rather not find out..."

"Can we even get down to the ground from way up here?"

"If anyone could, we could." He surveyed his surroundings again, taking note of where everything was. "There's a lot of ledges scattered around the wall we could use to climb down on. But we have to be careful; we can't attract their attention."

Both of them started to slowly make their way over the railing, spotting the nearest ledge that looked big enough to hold one or both of them, and gently climbed down onto it. The ledges were scattered, forcing them to take detours adjacent to their own room, all while continuing to avoid detection. Each of the ledges was a good few feet away from each other in both height and lateral distance, forcing the two to time their jumps perfectly each other, lest they miss their target & fall to the ground, either significantly harming themselves or the impact of the fall garnering the attention of the security guards.

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