Chapter 9: Cathartic Conference

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Day 6

The following morning saw Marco and Star still snuggling together. This time, though, the roles were reversed: Marco was the one soundly sleeping and Star was the one laying there with her eyes wide open. Despite the calming catharsis she felt after their talk & her opening the gifts, she couldn't quite get back to sleep. By this point, the sun was rising so she decided it was fruitless to even try. So she kissed him gently on the forehead, climbed out of bed, got dressed - dawning her white "Bubble Butt" t-shirt and the blue jeans Jackie got her as a gift, and headed for the kitchen, grabbing the cookbook she received from the Diazes.

Almost 45 minutes later, she returned to the bed to find Marco still soundly sleeping. He's so dang cute when he's asleep like that. She thought. She carefully climbed back into the bed and snuggled against him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Unfortunately that kiss was enough to make him stir around and eventually open his eyes, his vision catching the girl smiling at him. "Morning my little cutie angel." She said sweetly, planting a gentle kiss on his lips.

"H-How long have you been up?"

"I dunno, maybe an hour?"

"Wow...way to go."

"Come on, get up! I have a surprise for you!" She jumped out and pulled on his arms. He groaned and stood up.

"Isn't it too early for this?"

"Maybe but who cares it's FOOD!"

"Food?" He shook his head to shake the sleepy from his eyes. "You ordered room service?"

"Of course not, silly. Come on!" She grabbed his hands and dragged him into the kitchen. On the table there was a plate with a cover on it concealing the food. She slowly took the cover off. "I present to you..." Off it went, revealing a plate of completely mangled pancakes. "BREAKFAST!"

Marco stared at the plate for a moment. It was pancakes, alright. Sure they looked like they had the snot beaten out of them but they did look like pancakes. "You made pancakes?"

"Uh huh!" She nodded her head proudly. She took a nearby fork and picked up a piece from the plate, handing it to him. "Try it."

He hesitantly took the fork and took the bite of pancake. A few curious chews and a swallow later, a smile crept onto his face. "Hey, that's pretty good!"

"You're not just saying that?"

"No way. You got this one down almost perfectly."

She gasped in delight and applauded herself. "Alright! I did good!"

"Though I do have one question." He directed her attention back to the plate. "Why do the pancakes look like you strangled them?"

She giggled and went to the kitchen counter, grabbed a measuring cup that was filled with chocolate chips, and brought them back to him. "Sorry about that. I wanted to make chocolate chip pancakes like the ones we had at that breakfast place buuuut I couldn't figure out how to get the chips in."

"Oh, that's all? Well that's easy."

He guided her back to the stove, made more pancake mix, and poured one pancake's worth onto the stove, then dropped some chocolate chips in. "You have to bake the chocolate chips into the batter."

Star facepalmed herself and groaned. "Doy! I knew I was forgetting something."

"Hey, don't feel too bad. You're making progress. You didn't burn anything this time."

"That is true. And I guess we can use other stuff to make them taste even swe-" She gasped again, this time loudly and jumping up & down. "IDEA! MARCO, I HAVE AN IDEA!" She raced back to the table and grabbed the pitcher of chocolate chips again. "What if we melted these bad boys-"

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