Chapter 19: Respectful Retrospective

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Everyone stared up at the plane flying above their scene. The passenger door was open, and they could all faintly see Star & Marco standing by the ledge, squatting, as if they were preparing to jump. "Are those two out of their minds!?" Moon shouted. River was about to add on but was stopped by her. "Don't answer, it was a rhetorical question."

Up on the plane, Star & Marco were preparing themselves for the Leap of Faith of their lives. Nerves shot, sweat dripping, teeth clenches, they were both staring into the face of either exhilarating adrenaline or catastrophic failure. "Here it comes..." Star said, focusing all of her might on keeping her feet steady. She turned to face Marco. "Are you ready?"

He gulped once, wiped his brow, and turned to look at Star. "...No." He admitted.

"Can't say I blame you, but we either do this or it's a one-way ticket to Japan!" She gently grabbed his hand. "Let's do this!"

He smiled, kissed her hand, and nodded proudly. "On three. One...two..."

"THREE!" They both leaped off the ledge at the same time, hurdling down towards the Butterfly castle and screaming their heads off joyously. On the ground everyone was instantly terrified for their well being, but not long after their leap they pulled their cords, unleashing their parachutes successfully and staving off the potential bodily harm that they faced. The two lovebirds slowly floated down to the ground with everyone around them cheering. At last, after several minutes of free-falling, they touched solid ground again, their parachutes briefly suffocating them before they tossed their backpacks and parachutes off of them and emerged unharmed. "TA-DA!"

Once they were in the clear, they were bombarded by all of their friends and loved ones with hugs and kisses and expressions of joy that they were finally back home. The reunions were emotional, heartfelt, and filled to the brim with tears. Along the way, Buff Frog and his children exited the front of the Butterfly castle and joined in the touching reunions.

The one Star & Marco were most curious about was Kelly, though they made no secret they were excited to see her. "KELLY!" Both of them yelled towards her as they embraced. Kelly shared that sentiment.

"It's so good to see you guys again!"

"How are you even here!? What happened?" Marco asked. They were understandably confused seeing as they assumed dimensional traveling was no longer viable aside from Tom. But speaking of Tom, here he came holding a small ray gun-like device, handing it to Marco.

"I was going to tell you. You can thank my dad. He's been...let's say he's been dabbling in the art of what your world calls "science." He explained. "After the cleaving, we realized that dimensional traveling was...well, kinda dead. And there's a lot of people in the other dimensions we wanted to check up on to see if they were okay, so he somehow managed to combine our innate dimensional-traveling abilities - I still don't know how this works - and voila! And that's how we brought Kelly here."

Everyone around them were dumbfounded at the explanation. "Wow. That's incredible." Marco said in a daze.

"And now that this thing's proven successful he's moving to mass produce them and make a killing off of them!" He leaned in to whisper to them. "I'll hook you guys each up with one as soon as they're good to go." The three others exchanged smiles at hearing this news.

"So Kelly, how's everything been with...uh...well, the merging and stuff?" Marco asked awkwardly.

"So that's what happened? Your two words just joined together as one?" Kelly asked them; they both nodded. "Wow. That's wild."

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