First Day of School

731 13 7

Rock Lee's POV

"I don't get it Naruto, why don't you just push yourself harder so you can do better in the upcoming classes? It is a new school year after all and with some motivation you can be on top of your game!" I say to Naruto as we walk along side the road to school. Some blossoms from the trees falls on my friends nose and he starts laughing. "Bushy Brows I don't want to think about working hard, I just want to know what's for lunch." Naruto exclaims while patting his belly. I take notice to how beautifully the trees look around this time of year as Naruto and I near the school. "Naruto always thinking of your stomach! We are at the prime of our youth, don't you want to excel now?!"

I wonder if Naruto will ever love anything more than food. Just then, as if Naruto could read my thoughts he said, "Man Bushy Brows will you ever love anything more than work! You need to loosen up or you'll grow up faster than you intend to." Naruto's words echo in my head and for once I have nothing to say. I stare at the blossoms ahead as we continue our walk to school in silence, that silence only lasts about 5 minutes because as soon as we enter the school yard Naruto bumps into Hinata and he says, "Ouch oh sorry there Hinata!" he places his hand on the back of his head and starts to blush.

I wonder if him blushing indicates that he likes her! "Oh N-naruto, it's okay I'm sorry for being in the way." Hinata practically whispers, her face growing as pink as the blossoms on the trees. "Hinata! you are turning so pink are you alright!" I ask her loudly, which I notice causes her to turn a shade darker. Naruto grabs her hand and helps her up and before she could faint from that simple interaction she hurries over to Shino and Kiba.

"Why does she always turns so pink around me." Naruto scratches his head with a confused look on his face."Naruto! Hey come look what they have for breakfast here!" Choji yells as he motions Naruto to come towards him. They sure do have big appetites but that's the power of youth for you, I think to myself. "Sorry Bushy Brows I'll meet up with you later I'm going to go chow down on some breakfast!" Naruto says to me while already running to Choji. I smile at him and give a thumbs up. "I guess I'll go find my other friends to hang out with!" I say to myself as I begin to wander around. I look at the sea of students in the school court, they all were happy after not seeing each other all summer. I had someone I hadn't seen all summer that I'm hoping to bump into.

And as if fate had heard what I was thinking, the blossoms followed a path. Sakura Haruno, the most beautiful girl in the world, just walked by me and it seemed like she was almost walking in slow motion. "Hey Sakura!" I say to her. I wasn't expecting her to actually acknowledge me so the crazy part was that Sakura swung around and looked right at me! "Ew is why is that freak talking to Sakura!" somebody calls out from court. I would usually wince at comments like that but I couldn't seem weak infront of Sakura. " You look as beautiful as the cherry blossoms today!" I spoke confidently making sure I maintained eye contact with her. I noticed her facial expression change from slightly confused to surprised. She spoke up, "Oh sorry do I know you?" her words came out softly yet they felt like kunai knives to my heart, she doesn't even know me. Before I could answer that question, TenTen grabbed her and started chatting with her about the upcoming school year.

I stood there feeling defeated; No girls ever like me or even really acknowledge me because of my appearance. I walk over to Shino, Kiba and Hinata who seemed to be discussing Hinata's obvious crush on Naruto.

"Hinata we literally saw you turn two different shades of pink the second you looked at Naruto!" Kiba states matter-of-factually, he ran his hand through his hair and chuckled. That's when he finally noticed me and exclaimed, "Lee! Just the man that could settle this score, could you please confirm the fact that Hinata is totally head over heels for Naruto?" His voice was so enthusiastic it was thrilling to me. "I can't confirm nor deny anyones feelings that aren't my own but it is very refreshing to hear such youthful energy to be coming from a friend!" I say just as excitedly back to Kiba. Hinata looks at Shino for help but he simply shrugs and starts, "Look why does it even matter how Hinata feels.."

"Exactly, thank you Shino! At least someone has common sense around here!" Hinata jumps in cutting his sentence. "Let me finish, I was going to say that it is still very obvious how you feel about Naruto, you are just very lucky he is oblivious." His cool and collected voice is almost refreshing, he looks at Kiba who is jumping with Joy as if he just won the lottery. "Our sweet Hinata is inlove, They grow up so fast!" Kiba practically shouts as he wipes a non-existent tear from his face and grabs Hinata into a hug. Shino then waves his hand in the air and goes "they do indeed grow so fast." Making Kiba smile bigger. While all this is going on I think about my interaction with Sakura from earlier, was I really that surprised that she doesn't remember me.

"Hey Lee, got something on your mind buddy?" Kiba's expression changes into concern for me. "I was just thinking about how I need to find a way to get Sakura to notice me." I confide in my friends as I look to the ground in defeat. Kiba lets go of Hinata and walks towards me, he puts his arm around me and goes, "Listen buddy, you just need to be you! Once Sakura notices how intelligent and energetic you are, she is sure to fall for you! The year just started, don't get too down so soon." Kiba's re-assuring words lighten my mood. "Kiba you're right! I'm going to just have to work twice as hard to appear interesting to her! I need to be creative and think about what my goal should be."

Shino speaks up after having listened to the conversation. "Lee, it is very simple what your goal should be. You need to ask her to the School Dance, it's three weeks away so that should give you plenty of time to work up some extra courage and win her over." I light up just thinking about it, this might actually work! "Hinata, you're a girl right? How would you like to be asked if someone were to ask you to a dance?" I question her, hoping to learn some answers that could benefit me. "Uh well yes I am a girl obviously, but um I don't know. I've never been asked by anyone so I guess if anyone were to ask me I wouldn't really care how they did it." she replied in a shy tone, blushing at the thought of someone asking her.

The bell for school to start rings and everyone begins to enter the school

"Thank you guys for the advice! And Hinata, I'll put in a good word for you to Naruto." I say while winking at Hinata which causes Kiba to start chuckling. As I enter the school I quickly start to look over my schedule, I silently hope Sakura is in any one of my classes. I neatly fold my paper schedule and walk over to my locker. After two minutes of walking I arrive at my locker. I start to take some books and other school supplies and put it in my locker, that's when I shut my locker but nothing could prepare me for the surprise I got when I looked to the locker next to mine.

"Oh! hey, you're the kid from earlier!"

A/N: wow first official chapter is done, I don't even know if anyone will read this but if you made it this far down I assume you enjoyed this chapter? Leave a comment on how I can improve or just leave something nice. I have always wanted to write a Naruto Fanfiction so this is exciting for me :)

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