"This is what she wanted," Emir says with resignation. "I gave her the chance to come up with any other way to make this work. But she's not willing to even try. I thought my dad was wrong for divorcing her. But I see now why he did it. There's no compromise with her. All she cares about is money and status. There's no love in her heart. Not for my dad. Not for Suna. Not for me. I can see that now."

"But she's your mother, Emir."

"And you're my wife, Reyhan. She's the one who made me choose. And I choose you."

He cups her cheek with his hand and she leans into it, turning her face to kiss his palm.

"I choose you and I choose our kids. She chose to not be a part of my life. Not the other way around. It's her loss."

He brings up his other hand to her face and pulls her closer so that he can rest his forehead on hers.

"We'll get through this as long as we stay together," he assures her, kissing her lightly.

"Together," she whispers in agreement, falling into his arms.

She's sad it has to be this way. But no matter how hard she tried, nothing she's done has convinced Cavidan to just coexist with her. She didn't need the woman to love her. Or to even like her. But the woman doesn't even respect her as a human being. Reyhan was willing to put up with that for Emir's sake. But she can't allow the woman to torment her children. It's for their sake she's doing this. Still, it breaks her heart to tear Emir away from his mother. She doesn't know if she'll ever forgive herself.

"You feel guilty," Emir guesses, tilting up her chin so that he can see straight into her eyes. He smiles at her shocked expression. "I know you. I can feel you right here."

He takes her hand and places it on his chest over his heart.

"You hurt here for my mother," he says, tapping their joined hands on his chest. "Even after what she's put you through. Even though she doesn't feel the same for you. So much love. So much compassion. You are a beautiful person, Reyhan. Inside and out. And that's one of the reasons why I love you so much."

He wipes away her tears and gives her one more kiss.

"Now let's get out of here."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Nigar!!!!" Cavidan yells, waiting impatiently on the woman to come to her. "How much longer until that peasant is gone?"

"We're bringing the bags out now," Nigar informs her.

Cavidan watches in glee as Sefer and Emir load the car with Reyhan's belongings. She's finally getting that nuisance out of her hair. She can't help but gloat.

"Didn't I warn you?" she whispers to Reyhan, moving next to the girl when Emir goes back inside the house for something. "I told you when you got here I'd see you gone sooner rather than later. You thought you'd be able to trick my son with your body. But he saw through you. He's the one throwing you out. Not me. And once we cleanse this place of your stench, a woman worthy of my son and the Tarhun name will walk through those doors and be the true daughter of this house."

Reyhan closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to hold in all she's truly feeling at his moment.

"Cavidan hanim. I'm glad that ..." she pauses, realizing that nothing she says will really matter. She just shakes her head instead. "I'm glad that I was finally able to make you smile. So you at least have one pleasant thing to look back on when you think of me as your daughter in law."

"Yes," Cavidan cackles. "Keep this image in your tiny little brain. Remember me laughing at you while standing in front of a house you will never step foot inside of again. And be grateful you're walking out. I could have killed you with that tea."

She turns and walks back towards the house, still laughing. She runs into Sefer wheeling Hikmet out, with Melike and Emir behind them.

"What's this?" she asks Emir. "Where are you going with your father?"

"First to the hospital. The doctors need to sign off on his condition and give permission to fly. After that, if all things work out, he'll be headed to a special clinic that will be able to take care of him better than we can here. I'll be flying with him to get him settled, but Melike will stay with him full time for awhile."

Cavidan feels as if she's won the lottery. Not only is she getting rid of Reyhan, but Hikmet as well. Even that pious and judgmental Melike is getting out of her hair. She turns mental cartwheels before realizing she needs to school her expression into something more somber.

"I trust your judgement on this," Cavidan finally says when she thinks she can sound appropriately morose about the thought of her husband being sent away. "All that matters is his health."

She manages to keep the serious expression on her face while they all get loaded in the vehicle and drive away. As soon as they're out of sight, her real celebration begins. Her life is finally set up to give her everything she's ever desired. Everything she's always deserved. And no one can take it away from her.

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