I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with her scent, trying to keep it with me as long as I could. I knew I needed to distance myself, but I would be selfish in this moment and surround myself in the pleasure that her presence brought to my damned soul.

The trees loomed over us, their roots twisted and gnarled with age from centuries spent in this place. The farther into the woods we walked, the thicker the magick in the air grew as it had long ago seeped into the dirt, the bark and leaves of the trees; clinging to the grass and the flowers. The ancient trees had witnessed many things; many wars and secret loves, childish pranks, everything from the wickedest of the wicked to the purest of the pure. Chances are if it could be imagined then it likely happened at least once in these woods.

"Can you see? It's so dark in here. Do you know where you're going?" Nevada asked skeptically, breaking the silence.

Her voice was like a melody to my ears, one that I could feel down to my soul even with the simplest of questions.

I nodded but realized she may not have seen me so I spoke aloud, "Yes, I can see. I've been in these woods more times than I can count which helps even on the darkest of nights."

"Really?" she asked with interest. "Have you always been around here? Well, not living in the woods but, you know, this area?"

I smiled to myself at the nervousness in her voice, knowing she wouldn't see. I had often caught her being timid or nervous when she ventured to ask questions of me, especially the personal ones. I never gave her any answers, hoping it would deter her or help to keep me from getting closer to her than I needed. Part of me continued to remind myself that I didn't need to encourage her interest in me anymore than she already was. It was dangerous, but I gave in from time to time when she wasn't looking; I couldn't help it.

"Yes," I answered, smiling once more when I heard her huff in annoyance at my vagueness.

"You are an extremely frustrating and confusing man, August Maines. Do you know that?" Before I could answer she grunted and said, "Ow, stupid root. I can't see shit out here."

I stopped walking and waited for her to catch up with me. As I began to walk once more, I stiffened when I felt her hand brush mine. I relaxed but immediately halted in my steps when her fingers laced themselves through mine. Her hand fit perfectly with mine, like a puzzle piece I didn't know I was missing, small yet I could feel the power beneath her fingertips as they wrapped around mine.

"I, uh, I can't see..." Nevada mumbled quietly as she looked towards the forest floor. I could hear her heart racing, beating erratically in her chest as she waited for my reaction.

Telling myself that I needed to pull away, knew it was the safest thing; but I didn't. After another moment of arguing internally with myself, I began walking without a word. I couldn't bring myself to release her, not yet. The feeling of her hand in mine was something I didn't want to forget, knowing I would probably not get the chance again. It was selfish but I didn't want this short time to end. If I could freeze time, I would stay like this forever.

Sadly, that wasn't something I could do and I couldn't have done it before either. The ability to bend the energy in the world around me had long ago abandoned me, leaving an eternity of being a monster as my present and future.

Neither of us spoke for a long time as I led her through the trees, but finally our destination was in sight. The trees thinned out slightly and opened up to a path that led into a clearing. Here the moon lit the world once more, revealing a large slab of white marble that resembled a table in the center with a large shallow pit surrounded by fist sized stones a few feet away.

Fated Connection (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now