Chapter 1

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"Give me one good reason why I should wear a dress." My words came out in a bored tone as I rolled my eyes at my best friend, Nova Dumont.

"Because we're going out to celebrate finally having our own place and I'm not being seen with you looking like that." His blue violet eyes squinted as he scrutinized my appearance.

I glanced down at my favorite pair of ripped jeans and the oversized System of a Down hoodie I wore. Personally, I didn't see anything wrong with what I had one. Besides that, I didn't even want to go out, not after unpacking the entire apartment in one day.

"Why do I have to change? One, I don't want to go and two, I'm not trying to impress anyone," I attempted to reason with him which only resulted in an eye roll.

"Maybe not but I am. No one will come near me if you look like a schlub and I plan on getting some D or V tonight," Nova said with a hint of exasperation. "We're going clubbing not schlubbing, bitch. So, get the fuck up and get that ass in the shower."

I couldn't help but laugh as he pulled me up and pushed me towards the bathroom connected to my room.

"You know, sometimes your gay really brings out the glitter in your bullshit," I called to him through the bathroom door.

"Honey, I'm a sexy rainbow on a stick and everyone loves it. Now hurry up!"

I laughed again and stepped under the water. Even though going to a club, or bar of any kind, was the last thing I felt like doing, I knew it would make Nova happy. So, I quickly washed my hair and body, making sure to use the shimmery body wash that Nova had bought me for Christmas. He called it my party soap and would give me shit if I didn't use it. I rolled my eyes at the thought and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body and also my hair. Coming out of the bathroom, I eyed the clothes he had laid out on my bed.

"What is that?" I asked, not recognizing the black... was it even a dress?... and heels waiting for me.

"I picked that up for you earlier. Don't argue just put it on," Nova called out in answer from his room across the hall.

I sighed and slipped into the dress, swallowing the urge to argue. It was simple with a deep v-neck and only zipped halfway up my back. I couldn't wear a bra, not that I really needed one anyway, but it hugged my curves just right making it appear as if I actually had cleavage to show off. The dress was several inches above my thighs and I was worried that one wrong move and the world would see everything I had to offer. I never wore stuff like this but then again, I never really had a reason to.

I had just slipped on the heels and was putting my phone, keys, I.D., and some cash in a gray clutch when Nova reentered my room. He was dressed in a blue plaid button down shirt, skinny jeans and a pair of dark blue Van's with his hair styled into a fohawk. He eyed me for a moment before shaking his head.

"What now?" I asked him.

"Blow dry your hair. You look like you're about to do the walk of shame."

"You would know," I jabbed playfully.

"It's only the walk of shame if you have something to be ashamed of," Nova replied with a smirk. "I, my dear, am definitely not ashamed."

Twenty minutes later, with my hair done and falling in lose waves down my back along with a light layer of make up, Nova finally pronounced me presentable. I liked getting dressed up and feeling pretty, I mean what girl wouldn't? But I wasn't normally comfortable in skimpy clothes, especially at night.

Night was when alot of the supernatural community decided to flaunt their abilities. I didn't have anything against them, being a faery myself and all. However, the vampires made me nervous. Something about them set my skin on edge and always had. Nova never got along with them, any of the vamps we had ever encountered. I never understood why and when I had asked he would shrug it off as if he didn't know what I was talking about. And with him, who knows? Maybe he didn't know either.

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