Chapter 8

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The feel of her arms around me was intoxicating. The heat from her body pressed against my back gave warmth to my permanently cool skin, something I hadn't felt in many years. I forced myself to focus on the road, refusing to let my mind go farther with such thoughts. It was a dangerous path I couldn't let myself follow.

There was a small children's park at the edge of town, not often frequented by anyone, especially humans. The magick that had permeated the forest that ran behind it had changed the energy surrounding it, leaving the park to be too uncomfortable for many. There were few in this world that would feel perfectly at ease at such a place.

I parked the bike in the lot not far from the playground, the roar of the engine dying away to leave us in sudden quiet, the breeze flowing through the forest trees the only sound to be heard apart from her breathing.

Nevada slowly released me, easing back and away from me as she did. I longed to pull her back to her former position but refrained, knowing it wouldn't be wise to give in. Instead, I slid off the bike and waited for her to do the same. She was a bit unsteady at first but quickly recovered, offering me a sheepish smile.

I didn't say anything as I watched her slowly look around, taking in the silent playground and the forest beyond. The cloudless night let the nearly full moon illuminate the world in a cool glow, the pale light glittering against Nevada's blonde locks like silver and gold.

"What are we doing here?" Nevada asked, sounding a bit uneasy as she eyed her surroundings. "You said that you wanted to tell me a story."

I nodded, "And I do. This is where we start."

In all honesty, I hadn't fully thought about what I was doing or what I was going to say. But I needed to show her this place, needed her to see the place where my entire existence had changed. I couldn't tell her that part of the story, even after all this time I could barely think of it myself much less retell it to someone else.

Nonetheless, I had to bring her here; something inside of me had urged me to bring her to the place that held so much meaning for me. Why? I had no idea but I couldn't deny that it felt right to be in this place with her. Maybe someday I would tell her, but not tonight.

I felt her energy rise slightly as she looked around again.

"What happened here? It feels... different." Her words were barely above a whisper but I caught them easily. Being a vampire wasn't always a bad thing. Increased senses tended to make a lot of things easier.

"A war," I replied, unable to keep my voice devoid of emotion, even I heard the bitterness laced within my words. I turned and began to make my way towards the tree line. "Come on, let's take a walk."

I felt her eyes on my back as I walked away from her, her hesitant steps soon joining mine. A few moments later, the smell of her perfume wafted towards me closely followed by the scent that was naturally her, sweet like strawberries in summer.

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