She giggled and placed her foot down on the railing and it slipped on the wet surface. There was some water on that spot of the railing, whereas the rest was completely dry. Her foot slipped from under her and she fell backward as she had just put all her weight on it. 

Jack's expression turned from anger to shock as he watched the small survivor slip off the railing and down into the deep water below. He broke into a run and collided into the railing, gripping it as he looked over in worry. Despite being a pain in the ass during matches, she was still a good person he enjoyed hanging out with. 

He saw ripples far below from where she fell in, but they soon settled as time went by. It must have been about a 100-200 ft drop, and a drop of 250 ft is around 95% fatal. She wasn't coming up. 

Jack bit his lip as he watched, two survivors had already left. Only him, y/n, and Mike were left. Jack cursed, pulling off his jacket and hat as he ran over to the further side of the railing where there was a set of stairs leading downwards. He draped it haphazardly over the railing as he made his way down the stairs, growing more and more worried as each second passed that she didn't resurface.

Mike had seen the green jacket draped over the railing, and made his way over confused. He gripped the railing as he looked over, seeing the hunter making his way down the stairs to the dark water below. 

"Hey!" Mike yelled out "What are you doing?!" Jack didn't spare the acrobat a glance as he began to quickly scan the water one more time.

"Y/n fell in from up there!" He yelled back a quick response before he cursed and dived in. Mike stood at the bridge looking down in shock before he ran over to the stairs as well to make it to the landing by the water.

Jack cursed as his blade hand made traversing through the water more difficult. He glanced around. The river wasn't too deep, maybe eight or nine feet. He attempted to swim but ended up ripping off the blades from his fingers in aggravation as they continued to restrict his movement. He began to bleed a bit but was able to swim much easier. He swam over to the area where she had fallen, searching frantically for her. 

He found her lying unconscious in the mud at the bottom of the river. He swam down, wincing a bit as his ears popped. He quickly grabbed her dragging her back and up. 

Mike sat at the edge of the landing by the water, watching for any sign of the two. He saw a bit of movement and stood up and stepped back to make room. A pale and bloodied hand erupted from the water, grasping the landing as it pulled up its owner and y/n. Mike rushed back over, taking y/n from Jack and hoisting her out of the water. Jack pulled himself from the water as well, watching as the other survivor checked for a pulse. 

Mike looked up and nodded. 

"Still alive, but her pulse is faint..." He relayed. Jack grimaced as he got closer, trying to figure out what to do.

"Do you know CPR?" Jack asked. 

"No, do you?" Mike replied. Jack shook his head nervously. "Shit...uh..." Mike waved his hands in a panic. Jack looked over at the unconscious survivor.  

"I mean, I know the idea of what you have to do..." Jack said as he positioned himself to try. Mike shot him a scary glance.

"If you hurt her any more than she already is I will kill you." He said darkly. Jack's eyes widened a bit but he nodded. He placed his hands on her chest, starting the compressions. He tilted her head back, pinching the nose closed and gave 2 breaths. He noted that the chest did rise. He repeated this over and over, Mike sitting close by watching nervously. 

Jack was growing tired and was close to stopping when y/n's body lurched and she coughed up a substantial amount of water. After she finished coughing up the water she passed out once more. That was enough for the two though as Jack quickly scooped y/n up and Mike followed, traversing briskly up the stairs.

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