Aesop x Reader x Eli <3

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request by Akko_one

Sorry I didn't know what to write and I found a funny ot3 prompt so I'm gonna do that: Midnight grocery shopping after a party.

they are kinda ooc, 

because they are drunk for the majority of the story. 

I don't know how they get drunk canonically 

Also it is still only fluff so like no drunk sex or anything remotely close. (Cause I don't do lemons)


Emma rummaged through the fridge, looking for something to eat with the sounds of a party roaring behind her. She furrowed her brow as she scanned over the sparse inventory. She straightened up, shutting the door and leaving to go find Emily. 

She wandered through the crowd of happy partiers, many already past their alcohol limit as the teetered back and forth, leaning on their friends. She found the doctor chatting with a fairly sober Fiona as both held a fancy glass of champagne within their hands. 

Emma placed a hand on Emily's shoulder, catching the older woman's attention. Emily turned to face the gardener with an inquisitive look upon her face. 

"We seem to be shot on food, barely anything is left in the fridge," she told her friend. The doctor frowned in concern, bringing a hand up to her chin in thought as she tried to decide what to do. 

"Well..." she began hesitantly, "the market we usually stock up at is a 24/7 one, so that won't be a problem... who is on grocery duty?" She looked up from thought to address Emma. 

"Uh, Aesop, Eli, and y/n." She replied after a moment of thought. Emily nodded.

"Could you be a dear and grab them for me?" Emily asked sweetly, giving the young gardener a closed eye smile. 

"Sure thing!" Emma chirped before taking off to find the three. 

Most of the party was drunk... except for a few. Those were the underage survivors which included Emma, Lucky, Helena, and y/n. All four were under 21. (sorry if I got anyone's age wrong). A few survivors choose not to get drunk, drinking only a small amount. But most of the party-goers were red-faced.

Emma found the (occupation) sitting by Naib and Martha. Naib was pretty drunk while Martha was only buzzed. y/n was just drinking some fruit juice. Naib was leaning on the two females telling a whole bunch of tall tales enthusiastically while the two humoured him.

Emma walked up to y/n, who looked up as she approached. 

"Hey, we need groceries and you're on grocery duty," Emma said. y/n furrowed her brows and pushed at Naib a bit who was stumbling with his words and falling all over her. 

"Now?" she asked, confused. 

"Haha yeah, we are kinda desperate..." Emma chuckled nervously, trailing off as she looked to the side. y/n sighed and pushed the poor drunk boy over to the coordinator before standing up, placing her empty glass on the coffee table. 

"Alright," she said, "who is on duty with me?" She asked.

"Oh, Aesop and Eli." Emma responded, smiling. y/n nodded thoughtfully. Should be easy enough, those two are not known to get drunk.


"You have got to be kidding me." y/n said, frowning at the sight before her and Emma. When they had finally found the two, both were positively drunk. The red heat radiated from them as they swayed a bit, laughing together as they talked. 

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