:D Michiko x Female Reader

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slight Naib x reader and Robbie x reader

requested by Naomi_0W0


The 2v8 match was tonight, y/n's first one in fact. While she was well-liked in the manor by both the survivors and hunters, she got left out of the loop. The poor girl had no idea who she would be playing with. 

There was an hour before the match, so the young female decided to take a shower to freshen up. She stepped into the cool water letting the droplets run down the curves in her body. She shivered at the temperature but left it on cold to keep herself awake. She took some lavender shampoo, lathering it in her (h/c) locks before rinsing it all out again. 

She grabbed the silver handle and shut the water off, grabbing the plush white towel from the counter outside the shower. She dried the cool drops off her hair and body before wrapping the towel around her body. Stepping out into the bathroom, she grabbed the hairdryer to catch any stray drops that escaped the towel.

She had previously set out her favorite teir A costume, a beautiful kimono hybrid. The long sleeves of a traditional kimono along with the traditional tie, but the bottom part was a ruffled skirt. It was the colors of (Fav color 1) and (Fav color 2) in the design of cherry blossoms. The outfit came with traditional Japanese sandals and a cherry blossom hair clip. 

She slipped into her outfit and traversed out into the hallway to make her way to the meeting table. When she arrived, 5 survivors had already shown up. Kurt was there conversating with Servius, who was wearing his blue Aladin outfit. Patricia was polishing her skull, Fiona was fiddling with her portal in her misfortune costume. Helena wore her usual costume and was munching on some bread. 

y/n took a seat next to Fiona. 

"Oh, nice outfit y/n!" she gushed

"Oh, thank you!" She smiled. "You too!" 

"I know someone else who would like your outfit~" Fiona giggled.

"Huh?" Y/n questioned, tilting her head to the side. Fiona just giggled and shared a look with Emma who had shown up a minute prior. The two females giggled maniacally together leaving the other girl to just be confused. 

As the minutes counted down to the match, the last person burst into the room and sat down abruptly.  

"Naib, you've been cutting it close lately." Patricia chastized the male. 

"Yeah yeah," Naib replied, not looking at her, waving her off with his hand. He wore his clarity outfit. Honestly, it was one of y/n's favorite outfits. It didn't fully seem to suit the male though. He must have been late due to the prepping it took. 

The hunters had arrived as well, but as usual, were unknown to the survivors. Everyone readied themselves before everything when black. y/n woke up in the eversleeping town right next to a cipher, and she got straight to work. 

She was able to finish the cipher flawlessly with no sign of either hunter. She turned and ran into the center of the town but stopped abruptly when one of the hunters came into view. It was the Geisha, Michiko, and she was in her Manchurian crane outfit. That outfit was her all-time favorite outfit of all the hunters and survivors combined. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Michiko was just... sitting. She wasn't searching for anyone. She was sitting on the steps with her chin in her hands. 

y/n's admiring was cut short when she was pushed down by the head behind the boxes. 

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Naib whisper-yelled in her face. "You could have been seen!" His large hand was still firmly pressed on the top of her head, pressing her down. 

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