Special: Joseph x Hanaki reader x Aesop

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Happy Birthday, Sleepy_Shortie !

This story jumped the line cause itsa birthday present

First time doing hanahaki, hope it is alright

fluff to angst

Imma add my own new Hanahaki headcanon


y/n spit the last crimson-stained petal out of her mouth and flushed the toilet. She watched as the mess of perfect white petals splattered with blood swirled around the bowl before disappearing down the drain. She wiped her face of the iron liquid before washing her hands in the sink. She placed her hands on the edge of the basin, gripping it hard as her knuckles turned white. 

She knew what and why this was happening but didn't want to acknowledge it. She thought back to what started it.

__________________ Flashback_________

y/n listened to Aesop talk to her about his interests while slightly zoning out as the deep tambour of his voice soothed her. She began to think about all her other interactions with the embalmer, a lazy smile making its way onto her face. 

A violent jolt shook her suddenly as she bent over with heavy coughing. Aesop stopped and came to her side worriedly. She covered her mouth with her hands as she coughed up a lung. Or in this case, a petal. Her eyes widened and she shoved the delicate white thing into her pocket before Aesop would notice.

"I'm fine, just a tickle in my throat."


y/n stood looking over Joseph's shoulder as she watched him work on his photographs. A multitude of images of the survivors and the hunters as well as the two groups interacting happily graced the slips of film. Those were always Joseph's favorites; the ones where everyone was happy. They were y/n's favorites too.

She began to think about everything he has done for her. His smile, his laugh, the way he made her feel-

She fell back when the familiar scratching bombarded her throat. She turned away from Joseph, who had turned quickly at her sudden stumble, and curled up in an attempt to hide it the best as she could from him. 

She coughed violently, whole body shaking severely as the coughs racked through her. Again, a single white petal fell from her lips, this time with a small spot of crimson blood. She stayed that way for a bit, staring at it.

"Mon Cherie, are you alright?" Joseph said gently as he placed a hand delicately on her shoulder. His gaze turned to look at what she was holding and she quickly stuffed it in her pocket. 

"...What was that?"

"Nothing, don't worry!"


"It seems the roots are spread throughout your lungs and heart..." Emily said, looking at the x-ray she took of y/n's chest. 

"...what now?" y/n asked, twidling her fingers. 

Emily let out a large breath, drawing it out as she examined the sheet, shaking her head. "Usually for Hanahaki, you either need the other person to reciprocate your feelings or to get surgery." She gave the x-ray to y/n to examine. "But if the person doesn't reciprocate the feelings, the disease will get to great to take out and it will... kill you... and the surgery will also remove your feelings for the person." She explained as y/n finished looking over the x-ray of her insides. The (occupation) bit her lip in thought as she tried to figure out what to do.

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