Aesop x Reader x Norton Angst to fluff

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I am so so sorry that this request comes out literally a year ago today.

Inspiration help:


info: n/n means nickname

small context: Aesop still doesn't really like other survivors except y/n, and he is comfortable enough with a few like Emily and Eli.


The young embalmer combed his silver hair back into his signature ponytail, giving the pulled back hair a small tug to tighten the elastic band holding it in place as he stared into his reflection's eyes. He examined the small scar resting on the center of chin with a look of distaste. It definitely was not one of his favored appearance traits. Well, nothing really was, as his self confidence was not what you would call high. He didn't hate the way he looked and he didn't love it either. He was just, there.

Aesop let out a heavy sigh and grabbed his signature face mask, covering the entirety of the bottom half of his face. With one last gaze at his reflection, he turned towards the door, grabbing his makeup box, and shut off the light of his room as he exited into the hallway. A soft click resounded through the long hallway as he gently shut the door. He made his way to the dining room as it was morning and he was slightly peckish for something to eat. With a quick stop bye the kitchen, giving Emily (who was on cooking duty) a curt nod as he grabbed a plate, he walked to the large table that had many of the others occupying the old seats already. He let his steel grey eyes flick between the seats and their occupants, trying to find an ideal spot to eat his food in peace.

His gaze landed on the one h/c survivor seated at the end of the table. A shy smile formed on his lips, hidden by the mask, as he spotted her and the empty seat next to her. You see, for awhile now Aesop has had quite the crush on the (occupation). She was always patient with him as well as was very respectful with his social issues. She also was very attractive, as Aesop thought, and he felt himself drawn to her as he got to know her.

He stepped forward, ready to walk over and take the seat next to her, but he was abruptly shoved slightly to the side as another survivor came into the dining room, pushing him to the side as if they did not see him. Aesop had to quickly readjust himself to make sure no food dropped on the floor. While nothing ended up on the ground, the same could not be said for the embalmer himself. His breakfast, a few pancakes and some eggs, was not messy, he still had to actively brush off the scrambled eggs that ended up all over the front of his grey suit with a grimace.

"N/N!" Norton eagerly exclaimed, ignoring the person he just rudely shoved, rushing over to said female's side as she looked up surprised at the sudden announcement of the prospector. He plopped down in the only seat next to her, eagerly engaging in conversation with his crush.

Yes, Norton, like Aesop, had fallen for the (occupation) hard. But unlike his fellow survivor, he was an extrovert and was not afraid to engage with the person of his interest. Though he was no where near ready to confess just yet.  Y/n, unfortunately, had not noticed Aesop in the dining room before as she was busy with her breakfast. This meant she did not see the poor embalmer get shoved aside by Norton as he energetically approached her.

Aesop, having gotten the eggs off him finally, turned his gaze towards the two with a glare directed at the black haired male. He grit his teeth as he ran a gloved hand threw his bangs and looked away from the two. He returned his full plate to the kitchen, earning a confused glance from Emily which he ignored. He had lost his appetite. With his hand tightly clutching the handle of his case, he made his way back to his solitary room.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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Identity V x Reader One-shots (Request Closed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang