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Spell for the day :

Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras!

This spell helps locate objects or people. I'm so using this on my stuff as I tend to forget where I keep them :P

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*** Lilia's POV ***

"A little to the left. " Ingrid yells.

"Em stay close but don't make it obvious"

"Will you guys shut up and let me drive." Em finally shouts losing her patience.

"There look he took a left, go go go.."

The car almost skids as she makes a left turn in the last second.

The road was muddy and the ride was bumpy.

You must probably wondering what is going on. So last night after Iddy feel asleep  we decided to not annoy her or tell her anything that could irke  her given how she is reacting and her mood swings adding up to it. She seems to be in a sensitive spot and we didn't want to annoy her given school starts tomorrow .

"Did you also feel the sudden change of temperature ?" Em asks.

I nod my head confirming her suspicion.

"Didn't it like happen the last time too back at my place," she says

"Yeah, all weird stuff have been happening lately."

"When did it all start?"

"When we entered the forbidden tower."

"What did you guys do there?"

"Nothing really we just saw a huge raven and came across one of granny's books."

"So how was that the source of all this?" she asks confused.

"Oh no, it lead to us going to the barn and ending up using the book we found in the abandoned tower."

"Oh the crazy stuff which you guys did and apparently it didn't work?"

"That's what we thought but given the changes in Iddy, I'd say otherwise"

" Phew... All this in a span of few days. Now I understand why your parents were afraid to leave you guys alone." she says mockingly.

"Em, be serious for a sec will ya? I have no clue what Iddy is going through  and now looks like Mrs potts is hiding stuff and who knows what will happen once we go to school."

"Yeah, I'm dreading school too, especially if she sees Kevin. I'm praying she doesn't loose her shit."

"Yeah me too. Let's keep Kevin away  from her way for as long as can and hope nothing irks her." I say yawning.

"Go to sleep Lili. I'll also leave."

"Shut up and sleep here you can go tomorrow." I say and fall asleep next to my sister.

I hear the door creak after a few minutes and I guess Em got up.

I fall asleep and am soon lost in the beautiful world of dreams.

I feel the cool breeze hitting me and it feels like home.

I feel something cold on my body, some liquid flowing around me. I suddenly feel exposed and the cool breeze now seems even stronger. I hear someone calling me.

More like someone shouting out my name.

The world around me tumbles and shakes, it takes me quite a while to settle but by the time I settle in I was being shaken again. Wait I was being shaken. I look around and see darkness, I see a source of light and blindly  follow it, I end up opening my eyes only to see  Em's  face over mine shaking me oh-so-violently to wake me up.

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