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Ingrid's POV:

I look at Lili who has a horror stuck look on her face. And the next minute I see her turn dizzy and fall down.

I rush to grab her, but something holds me back. My eyesight was blurred with black dots, and I could comprehend nothing. I could feel as life was slipping away from me as I slowly lost my consciousness.

Ingrid. Ingrid. Ingrid.

I stir when I hear someone calling my name. I try opening my eyes, but they feel like they are burning, as if on fire.

I feel like my body is bound to something, making it impossible to move. I try opening my eyes, all I see are blurred images of my surroundings. Or what I expect to be my surroundings. Where even was I?

As far as I remember, I was — with Lilly in the barn and tried the craziest thing. We tried a spell. Wait, did that work?

"LILLY, where are you?" I shout at the top of my lungs, now fully regaining consciousness.

I hear a small noise coming from my right side. I try tilting my head, which is painful, but I finally move it to the direction from where I hear a little squeak.

All I can see are the blurry images of a door which was half closed and the dim streak of light inside the barn.

Where is Lilly? And why the hell am I still in this barn? What happened last night? Too many questions were popping in my head and I remember nothing.

I see a silhoutee of someone who was very tall, wearing a black hood making their way towards me. Oh god, maybe I'm dead. Shit...

My heart pounds as I think what this creature could be. My blurred eyesight doesn't help much. I try moving but fail. Why was I unable to move? I was helpless and in pain.

"Tommyyy!!!" a gruff voice comes from the other side. My vision slowly clears up, I look up to see that it was our drivers' dog playfully coming towards us with our driver chasing him.

I sigh in relief. Soon enough I find Lilly lying on the floor to my left. Luckily, my body starts cooperating just in time and my eyesight now normal.

"Wake up, sis!" I yell.

"Let me sleep for five more minutes Iddy." she yawns, half asleep .

"We did a spell, and we were unconscious for god knows how long, idiot " I yell.

"Oh!" she takes a pause and jolts up yelling 'shit!!' within a fraction of a second.

I roll my eyes and help her get up. We both don't remember what happened before we fainted. But, by looking at our surroundings, I guess something bad happened but not sure what. I see that the book is still on the table.

"You ok?" she asks me as soon as she gets up.

"Yeah." I was silently wondering if that spell worked.

"Let's get out of here," she says and I couldn't agree more with her.

I close the barn, and we make our way back home. I was trying to remember what happened after we did that spell? Did something go wrong? Or was it just a bluff?

I glanced over to Lilly's bedroom window and see someone loitering near the window of her room.

I point that out to Lili and we run to her bedroom to catch whoever it was. I half expected it to be a thief or someone creepy. But to our surprise it turned out to be Mrs. Potts, who seemed as if she was searching for something.

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