A couple of hours later, the waiting room is now filled with police and I've been speaking to them for the last hour.

"What do you mean you can't find him?" I ask. The past hour I learned that Olivia's father was the one who hired someone to kill me and soon after the hitman ran so did Mr. Castelle. The police caught the man an hour later but couldn't find Mr. Castelle.

"Mr. Reed, we're doing the best we can to find Mr. Castelle." The detective says just before he turns towards the officers to discuss search routes. It's frustrating that Natalia is still being operated and Mr. Castelle is on the run. I feel useless that I'm not doing anything other than sit and wait for something to happen.

"Son, just stay patient I'm sure they'll catch him." My father assures me.

"I don't know if I can, dad," I say.

"Just try, Xander." Elaine pleads and I take a deep breath to relieve some stress.

"Does anyone know where Olivia went?" Trina asks. When the police arrived Trina dropped by the hospital to meet all of us.

"No, why?" I ask.

"I saw her moments before Natalia was shot but I didn't get to see her when you guys left." She explains.

"I can call her," I suggest and everyone looks at me in surprise but I ignore their reactions. I still have Olivia's number and have meant to delete it but I never had time to do it. When I dial it on my phone the line is dead. "Sounds like her phone is switched off."

"Is something wrong?" The detective asks.

"Is it possible to track my ex her name is Olivia Castelle? She was the last person who spoke to Natalia before she was shot." I have a feeling Olivia knew something about her father's possible whereabouts.

"We'll try our best to locate her and if we get anything on the search we'll contact you, Mr. Reed." The detective says and I nod in agreement just before he leaves.

"You should get something to eat," Elaine suggests.

"Later, I promise," I say to her. I don't have an appetite to eat especially at a critical time like this. I've been told by the nurse that the bullet was several inches away from Natalia's heart which could be fatal. All I want to do is see her awake and laughing like she usually does but that hope is slipping each hour I'm away from her.

A moment later my phone is ringing to an unknown caller and I excuse myself from the crowded waiting room.

"Hello? Who's this?" I ask.

"Well, hello former son in law." Mr. Castelle says and at the same time, I feel frozen in place.

"How could you do that to Natalia?" I half ask and half demand.

"You know just as well as I that the bullet wasn't for her it was meant for you. Who knew she would surprise us all. I had warned her to not involve herself with you but I guess she's paying that regret with her life right now." He taunts.

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask again.

"My problem? Well, for one I didn't benefit a single penny from your hasty divorce nor did I receive anything from my merger with your company." He says, cooly.

"Olivia accepted the terms and I honored her request," I say through my gritted teeth.

"That silly girl didn't know anything and now she's being punished for her actions." Mr. Castelle says.

"What do you mean to punish her?" I ask.

"I had her be auctioned off to marry a millionaire but that's nothing you need to know." He says matter of factly.

"How could you sell your own daughter that way?" This man is truly crazy. Hasn't he learned from her first marriage?

"She's my stepdaughter and I can send her anywhere I see fit but like I said it's nothing you need to know. The reason I called was so that I can ask for a favor." He says.

"Get to the point. What do you want?" I ask frustrated.

"I want 40 million in cash." He answers confidently.

"Why would you want that?" I ask. He's insane if he thinks I give him that amount in cash.

"You don't need to know the reason other than that I need that amount from you." Mr. Castelle says.

"What gives you the idea that I would give it to you?" There's no way I would.

"I'm glad you asked. You see I have something precious of your that is worth more than your fortune." He taunts.

"What are you talking about?" I ask in confusion.

"Remember you were going to be a father a few months ago?" He asks.

"Yes, and she died shortly after delivery, How's my daughter's death relevant to this conversation?" I say not seeing what he is getting at.

"Well, my dear Xander your daughter is alive." He says and I'm in utter disbelief.

"What?" I shout into the phone. This has to be some sick joke.

"According to her birth certificate, Carena May Reed was born on August 23rd, 2019, at a quarter to nine, weighing eight pounds and twenty ounces. She has dark brown hair and hazel green eyes." He says reciting her date of birth.

"How do you know she's alive?" I ask wanting to know where she is so I could see her.

"She's with me for the time being. Like I said if you do me this favor I'll reunite her with you." He says and I'm caught in his trap.

"I'll kill you if you do anything to her," I warn.

"You can't unless you agree to my terms of getting what I want. Do what I say but you better not involve the police in this unless you want to see your daughter alive. I'll call back in an hour with your decision." He says before hanging up.

"Damn it!" I shout.

"What's wrong Xander?" Alizah asks. Startling me from my conversation.

"He has her, Alizah, my daughter she's... She's alive but in danger with Olivia's father," I say wanting to break something in my frustration.

"What? She's alive? I thought-" She begins.

"-I thought so too but I was wrong, now I have no choice but to do what that sick man asks and get my daughter back," I say. I don't care about my money but at the same time, I want this man locked up for all the crimes he committed.

"But?" She asks sensing my frustration.

"He requests that I don't get the police involved and I don't know what to do if I do exactly that," I say as I look down but before I can say anything else my sister holds my hands to grab my attention.

"Then we'll do it but you won't be alone. Come on, I think I may have a plan." She says as we walk back in the waiting room.

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