Chapter 10

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As we eat our dinner, my mind is racing with excitement. I have a feeling that this means we are in a relationship. If I look back 3 years ago and told my past self that I would be with Xander I would have laughed at the thought. A small smile appears on my face at the same time Xander speaks up.

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing you don't already know." I tease. In response, Xander gives a mocking pout and I laugh.

"You know I really love your laugh." He says after I finish laughing. His simple comment makes me blush. I love it when he notices the simple things about me which makes me want to know more about him. From what I remember I've briefly met his mother and father at one of the company's few functions that we sponsor. 

"No seriously what are you thinking?" He asks again. 

"I feel like I know little about you," I confess.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean I know you but what's your family like?" I ask.

"My family? I guess their just normal like any family." He simply says.

"Yes but I don't know what they're like. I wish I could say my family was normal." I say the last part more for myself.

"Why do you say that?"  He asks wanting to know. 

I sigh, "I think I should hear what yours is like first." 

"Fair enough. It's not anything interesting." He says.

"Try me," I say. Before he speaks he takes a drink from his glass while I finish eating my food. 

Xander begins to tell me of his real mother who died when he was around 7 her name was Marion. This unknown fact about him surprised me. It turns out his father, Ryann, was in a long period of grieving over his wife because she was the love of his life. At the time, Marion's sister, Elaine, would come by the house to check on Xander and his twin sister named Alizah. Yet again I was surprised to find out that Xander had a twin sister that I never heard about. Xander described Alizah as an adventurous person who is only limited to her own restrictions. She owned a company just like Xander but her business focused on buying and selling hotels instead of the typical real estate properties Xander and I deal with. He tells me that Ryann was in a deep depression but Elaine was able to help him. They eventually fell for each other and a few years later they married. Xander loved his aunt but he said it was a difficult time to accept the marriage as for his sister she had an easier time to adjust. Xander continues to say that his parents now are somewhat like a family but there is tension because of his marriage with Olivia. He promises he'll explain later and I take him at his word.

"So that's my family, the public doesn't know about my real mother and I like to keep it that way." He says.

"Don't worry I'm not the type of person to go blabber to a reporter," I assure him.

"I know you're not that type of person," He says and asks, "What about your family?" Right before I speak our plates our clear. The waiter appears and Xander orders dessert for both of us. 

"Okay but my family story is a long one," I warn once our waiter leaves.

"We have time." He assures me and I take a deep breath before I can speak.

I tell him everything from the short time my real mother was alive to the time my father decided to remarry. I continue to tell him about my stepfamily and how I left them. As I tell him in detail about my stepfamily I take in his expressions from shocked to upset to anger. Sometime between telling him about my stepfamily, our dessert is placed in front of us. I take little bites before I continue to tell him my life after I left and how I'm content to leave that past behind me. By the time I finished my story the plate of a caramel brownie dessert is gone.

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