Chapter 26

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On the morning of the baby shower, I feel heavier than usual. I'm already 5 months pregnant and I've started showing just last month. It's like I fell asleep on an empty stomach and the next day I wake up with a full belly. Almost everybody can notice my belly especially my coworkers and friends. I've started to get used to the string of questions like how far along I am and what I'm having. Right now I would rather stay in bed all day with Xander but I can't because I promised Trina and Alizah that I'll show up to my baby shower, regardless.

I slowly get up out of Xander's arms wrapped around me and I quietly get ready making sure I don't wake him. Trina insisted I wear a dress she gave me the other day and I wonder how she was able to find a maternity dress. The dress she gave me is a pink fitted dress that fits loose around my belly and has dropped ruffle sleeves. The dress lays just below my knees and I decided to wear the heels Trina insisted I wear but I pack some flats because my feet have been getting swollen more recently. 

After curling my hair and putting on some makeup I look in the mirror and I spot at the corner of the room, Xander. I turn to look at him. He's wearing black sweats with a white tee-shirt on and his hair somehow put together despite sleeping in bed. 

"Hey, I thought you were asleep?" I ask.

"I wasn't going to let you leave without saying goodbye. Besides if I did I wouldn't want you to leave especially when you look like that." He says as he puts his arms around my waist.

"Xander," I say while I blush.

"Natalia," He says matching my tone. The little comments he says are the things that bring me warmth. For a moment I feel a little flutter in my stomach. I didn't know if it were me but the same movement happens again. 

"Did you feel that"? I ask while I move his and my hands to my stomach.

"Yes, it's her." He says while we feel the movement happen again. I look at Xander as he looks at our hands. 

"She must be happy," I say.

"She is because she has a beautiful mother." I blush even redder than before. I then recover to say.

"And she has a wonderful and caring father," I say back and Xander kisses me deeply before he kneels before me kissing my stomach. 

Moments later, Xander says his goodbyes and promises to pick me up. He told me he is going to hang out with Nick for a while and to text him when I'm ready to leave. I wish I didn't have to go but I promised his sister and my best friend that I would show. As much as I don't want to go to this shower, I don't want all of their hard work to go to waste.

When I arrive at Alizah's house I walk in the entryway and see the house decorated in purple and gold streamers, a giant purple banner reads "It's a girl!" placed above the kitchen entryway, and off to the side in the living room is a decorated table. At the center of the table is a large golden butterfly and on the table are various party snacks as well as purple cupcakes with little butterfly toppers on them. They have gone all out for this shower. The girls have asked me on my opinion of the color scheme for the shower I have told them to go with purple and gold. I don't want the traditional color scheme that almost every baby shower has, after all, nothing in my life has been traditional. As I turn toward the door I expect to see the girls instead, the person who lets me in is Alizah's maid named, Nicole. 

Where's Alizah and Trina?" I ask Nicole.

"She's in the kitchen, Ms. Fuller." She says.

"Thank you." I reminded her before that she doesn't have to address me by calling me by my last name but this time I don't tell her because I've allowed her to address me as she pleases. As I enter the kitchen I see Alizah setting the final touches on the long dining table as Trina walks into the kitchen holding some plates and napkins. 

"Hey, guys!" I say catching their attention.

"Hey Nat, glad you came!" Trina gives me a quick hug. Both of them are dressed in short purple dresses similar to what I'm wearing.

"Good thing you made it just in time. By the way, you look great. How are you?" Alizah approaches to give me a quick hug.

"Thanks! I've been doing better. Just this morning I felt her move." I say rubbing my belly.

"That's great! Is she still moving?" Trina asks.

"She has been. Here." I say allowing Trina to feel my stomach.

"Whoa! That's cool." She says.

"May I?" Alizah asks and I nod. I can see a smile take place on her lips. "My brother must be happy." I think back to this morning when he kissed my belly and felt our baby move. Off in the distance, I hear an alarm go off shaking me from the memory. 

"Shit! I forgot about the oven." Alizah says while she removes her hand from my stomach and rushes to the oven. As she opens the oven I can smell a pizza cooking, Xander has restricted me from eating anything unhealthy but this pizza looks different from any other pizza.

"What's this?" I ask gesturing to the food.

"Pizza, well a pregnancy-friendly option," Alizah says.

"And a healthier one. I think Xander would approve." Trina says and we all burst into laughter from her joke about Xander. After we recover from our laughter, Nicole enters the kitchen to inform us that the first few guests have arrived and we all head towards the entryway to greet everyone.

Most of the baby shower, I notice most of the guests are old college friends of mine. Also, Trina's mother soon after arrives to congratulate me. I've never seen Alizah's house filled with so many guests it's quite a change from only seeing Trina, Nick, or Xander and I. It's a good feeling to know so many friends are here for a big milestone in my life. 

Throughout the party, I play the hostess and talk to everybody while I try to catch up on what's happening in the world outside of Xander and I. Many of my guests have asked who the father is and I tell them his first name but don't reveal anything further. I know I should trust my friends but I just don't want to reveal who he is until Xander and I are ready to go public. For now, I still want to keep some stuff private.

By the end of the party, I feel stuffed from eating the food Alizah and Trina have prepared and I'm happy that almost everybody bought most of the essentials I'll need for the first year of mine and Xander's baby. I volunteer to help clean up as soon as the last guest leaves but the girls tell me that I shouldn't have to so instead I let Xander know that I'm ready to go. He messages me back to say that he's a few minutes away. 

When he arrives, the girls help load my gifts into Xander's Tesla and we drive back to the penthouse.

"How was it?" Xander asks.

"Exhausting," I say. At one point I took off my heels and put on some flats because I was getting tired of walking and talking to everybody.

"I bet." He says with a chuckle as he places his free hand on my stomach. I continue to feel the light flutter of movement from this morning and I decide to put my hand on top of his. At this moment I feel like my day is complete.

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