Chapter 23

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The following day Xander and I visited the Miller company. I kept some mental notes on some changes and things I wanted to add to the company as I toured around the building. The first change is the company name, I decided to put it under my last name because the company is under my ownership. It's a small change but it means a lot to me. Based on the visit the company is in need of some new management and I need to look for an assistant since I'll be going to the office less when I reach the third trimester of my pregnancy. Besides those few changes, I had learned that the Miller company deals with buying and selling resorts as well as selling beachfront properties in other countries. It's different from Xander's company but taking on as executive gave me the edge that I needed to establish myself in this industry. I had learned from Xander while working with him that I learned how to manage a large company. 

The same week of the visit, Xander and I met with his sister on that Friday afternoon. Obviously, the guys had a lot to work to do. Even though Nick is a business lawyer he also worked as a divorce attorney for a short time but he had a lot more knowledge than the average person. Xander has been regularly going to his sisters which I voluntarily accompany him so I could get my chance to talk to his sister.

With each visit, Alizah and I have gotten close. That week of the visit we spent it learning more about one another.

"You know you kind of remind me of my friend, Trina. I think you too would be great friends if you ever met." It is true Alizah and Trina are very kind and always seem to make me laugh with their ridiculous stories. 

"Maybe we should. Next weekend we can do a girl's day while the guys are stuck doing work." She suggests.

"That would be nice! she should be coming back from her trip this weekend so I'll let her know," I say.

"Sounds like a plan!" Alizah announces.

The rest of that evening we spend it talking about Xander and when he was a young boy. By the time Xander and Nick finish Alizah has made me feel all laughed out and on the drive back to my apartment Xander asks how it went with his sister.

"We just talked and we plan to hang out next weekend if you don't mind," I say.

"No, I don't mind. I'm starting to think my sister is beginning to like you." He says smiling at the road ahead of him. I can tell that I had some effect on his sister and that we could be good friends. 

The next day I went back to my apartment because I planned on picking Trina up from the airport. I decided to stay another night with Xander instead of heading back to my apartment because I wouldn't be able to sleep without him. 

When I get to my apartment to change into clean clothes and take a shower I drive to the airport. Luckily I didn't have to wait long for Trina to arrive at her gate. I see that she is dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt with her hair tied up in a bun. She smiles when she sees me pull up. I unlock my doors and get out of the car to help her with her bags.

"Hey, Trina!" I say aloud.

"Hey, Natalia!" She says hugging me. "You for sure are glowing."

"Thanks. How about we go get something to eat?" I know she left Colorado earlier this morning and it's about to be 1 o'clock. 

"Yeah, that would be great." We get her suitcases into the car and we drive to an IHOP on our way home to eat a late breakfast. The ride to the restaurant is in silence and I can tell Trina is holding something from me. When we are seated I begin to ask her how her trip went.

"The trip with my mom went well. It was freezing and I fell multiple times going down the slope." She smiles forcefully. Our waitress asks for our drinks and food orders.

"And how did your conference trip go?" She hasn't mentioned anything about her job and I'm interested to know if anything happened.

" went well." I take notice of her hesitation. It might be the pregnancy talking but I'm starting to be more aware. 

"What happened?" Truly I'm curious and I hear Trina take a deep breath. 

"As you know I went to the conference but on the last day which was the huge dinner," I nod in remembrance. "Just before dinner, my boss tells me that she is about to start department layoffs and she said that my department is the one that is being laid off."

"No!" Why would her boss do that to her during the holidays?

"I know! What a good way to start the new years. Now I'm out of a job." I feel bad for Trina because she doesn't deserve this.

"That's awful! Do you need help keeping up with rent?" Now I feel guilty for moving in with Xander now that I know Trina is out of a job.

"No, I'm good for the next few months but I do need help finding a job." When she mentions looking for a job I remember that I'm looking for an assistant.

"Actually, what if I told you I found one for you?" I say smiling.

"That would be great but what would it be?" She asks.

"Yesterday, Xander and I visited the company that I'll be taking over and I realized I need someone to hire as my assistant because I need someone to take over while I go on maternity leave. I was thinking maybe you could take on that role?" I ask.

"I would love to take that position and I promise I'll do my best." She smiles with hope.

"I know you will! And I promise to be a good boss." I say and Trina laughs.

That afternoon we eat and when we get home I tell Trina that we should begin going through my things for my move after she takes a nap from her early flight. I decide to start packing my things in my bathroom which isn't a lot and move on packing the clothing that I wear more frequently in a suitcase. Soon after that Trina wakes up from her nap and helps me go through the donation pile that I started. She ends up keeping a few things as I suspected and the rest I through in a bag to give away at the donation center. 

Another hour later and all of my things are in two large suitcases and one backpack that has my laptop and photos. 

"I think that's all of it. Thanks for helping." I say while I look at my bare room. The only thing I didn't pack was my white comforter because I didn't need it.

"That went faster than I thought but then again you didn't have much." She's right when I first moved to college I left my family's house with just one suitcase and a backpack.

"Please promise me that we hang out I know we'll still see each other at work but still." She says.

"For sure! That also reminds me Xander's sister Alizah wanted to know if we could all hang out next weekend. I mentioned that your a good friend of mine and since Xander and her fiance are busy drafting his divorce settlement we would have a day to hang out at her place." I really think that we could all be good friends.

"Okay and I'm not busy that weekend anyway." She says.

"Great!" I say. 

That evening I slept in my own bed for the last time in my shared apartment with my best friend.

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