Chapter 9

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It's been two weeks and I've immersed myself into nothing but work. I begin to notice that Olivia is visiting the office more often than before. Usually, she wouldn't be at Xander's work at all. Around the time Xander has to take his lunch or at the end of the day, Olivia would be there. This gives me the thought that Olivia in some twisted way is changing. If this were true this would push Xander to rethink his plans to be with me. Just the thought of him taking back what he said before sickens me. The paranoia begins to chomp its way but I decide to force the idea down. 

Around Friday afternoon, I'm typing away at my desk until my eyes drift to the time on the clock. It reads that it's 1:30 meaning it's time for my lunch. As I head downstairs I take note that Olivia is nowhere to be found. That's strange? Usually, she would either linger around for Xander but she appears to not to be around.

The rest of the day I have only a couple of tasks to take care of. One, I have a meeting that I have to sit through with Xander for a big company deal and the other is to get updates from the event planner for the gala. Before the meeting, I have enough time to reschedule my appointment for the gynecologist and I agree to see them next Monday after work. I then head towards the board room. Nearby I see Xander pacing up and down the hallway.

"Hey." Unsure what else to say to him. I've never seen him pace back and forth before any meeting.

"Hey, Natalia." He stops himself from pacing to acknowledge me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask not knowing if he wants to talk.

"No," but he changes his mind and says, " Yes." 

"What is it?" I ask looking at him concerned.

"This meeting is going to be a multi-million dollar deal and I don't know if it will happen." He says while pushing his hair back.

"Of course it will and how I know it will happen it's because of you," I say reassuring him.

"You think so?" He asks trying to confirm my response.

"Yes, it will happen. Let's go in I think everyone in there is waiting for you." I say and make my way to the door. Xander nods and soon follows after me into the packed boardroom. 

About an hour or so later, everyone emerges from the boardroom and I see Xander shaking hands with the contractor and executive that cut the big deal with his company. I decide to head back to my office knowing that I have one last task before I leave. 

In my office, I get a hold of the event planner but instead of reaching out to the planner I only get a hold of the planner's assistant. The assistant tells me that the planner has been put into the hospital for an unexpected accident. I give her my wishes for fast recovery but with the planner in the hospital, I have nobody to take control of the event. Over the phone, the assistant suggests I take over for the time being. I respond by telling her I'll do it if my boss agrees to it. After my call with the assistant, I decide to drop by Xander to tell him the news of the planner and the possibility of running the gala.

When I get to Xander's office I see that he is at his desk looking over some paperwork. I lightly knock on his door to get his attention. 

"Oh hey, Natalia." He says looking up from his work.

"Hey, I wanted to stop by and give you a status report on the event planner," I say while still standing by the doorway.

"Go ahead." He gestures for me to sit down and continue.

"The event planner is in the hospital but her assistant suggests I oversee the direction of the event. I said I would agree if you allowed it?" I asked unsure if he'll agree to what I asked.

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