Chapter 30

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Xander's POV

Dear Xander,

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for leaving you like this but I had to do it. You have to understand that I did it for your benefit. I was complicating your life and I needed to leave. I don't know how long I'll be gone for and I don't know where I'll be going but you have to remember that I will love you despite not expressing my feelings enough. I'll be leaving my company in Trina's care and she will give you any updates when I find a place to stay.

I love you, Xander.


I re-fold the paper she left me on the counter the day she left. It's been two weeks since I discovered the letter.

The day she left was a normal workday for me. The entire day was filled with meetings and calls but I didn't mind it because I wanted to be busy. Ever since the death of our daughter, I mourned with Natalia for those days. She grew distant with me to the point that she wouldn't be close to me when we slept together. I got less sleep because of this and I would occasionally check to see if she was in bed next to me which she was. I knew we had to talk and I choose the day she left to talk to her but I never got the chance.

When I read the letter I folded it and walked out to our bedroom. I didn't believe she left but when I noticed her things gone that's when I knew she was gone for good. She shouldn't have left me and I regret not staying home that day.

Since that day, I've been re-reading her letter because it's the only thing that I have of her. I tried calling and texting her but it said that the number was invalid. She must have switched her number so I tried e-mailing her but all I got back were error messages. I realized that she was no longer reachable.

I'll admit that Natalia was my only shot of happiness ever since she came into my life. Her laughter, her smile, and the way she spoke her mind out about anything is becoming a distant memory. I don't know what made her decide to leave me but I can assume that she left because of Olivia. I knew when I filed the divorce I could lose everything my parents and I built but it was Natalia that I had the courage to do it. Without thinking I call the person that I never thought I would call.

"Hello?" Olivia asks.

"Olivia, what the hell did you say to Natalia?" I demand.

"X-Xander I didn't say anything to her! I swear." She insists but I don't believe her.

"Then why did she withdrew the charges against you?" When I was at work that day I received a phone call from the police station that they told me Natalia recanted her statement from that night. I waited to get home for her to explain but I never got any answers.

"I swear Xander! I don't know why she did it!" Olivia says.

"Don't lie to me!" I say.

"I swear! I don't know anything." She urges.

"Fine! Then I better see that you sign the divorce papers this evening." I say before I hang up.

I decide on the same day that I go to my parent's house for some answers. I know Olivia is connected to Natalia's sudden leave and the only people who would oppose my divorce are my parents.

I drive to the family house which is a big white house that has a large windy driveway. As soon as I get inside I walk into the living room to find my parents but they're not there. I look in the dining room and find them chopping vegetables. My stepmother looks up from the cutting board.

"Xander!" Elaine says grabbing my father's attention across the room.

"What did Olivia tell you?" I half ask and half demand.

"Son, I told you not to raise your voice at your mother." He reminds.

"Well?" I ask ignoring his comment.

"Xander, Olivia came by and she was upset that you filed for a divorce." She explains, "We suggest that you don't go through with the settlement."

"No, I am going through with it," I say for the thousandth time.

"Son-" My father begins.

"No, you both don't get it! I'm done living in this marriage with Olivia! Who am fooling this time? She is the reason I lost my second child and the reason I lost my happiness. So for now on, I'm going to live my own life without you two starting with this divorce." I angrily say.

"Xander, what do you mean you lost your second child?" My stepmother asks.

"Oh, that's right! I fell in love with Natalia and she was pregnant until Olivia killed our child. Now Natalia left because of Olivia." I can see Elaine's shocked expression.

"Natalia? Your assistant Natalia? Xander-" She begins but I cut her off.

"No, I'm done explaining anything to you two," I say and I angrily storm out of the house. I can hear my father calling out for me but I make it to my car before my father reaches the door.

Since my visit with my parents, I blocked their numbers because of their frequent calls and messages. I know it was a dick move to block them but I had to do it because I was still angry that they insist I continue being married to a woman who is nothing more than an alcoholic and who killed my second child. I just couldn't stand being married to that woman.

It's been weeks since I've seen Natalia, and I rarely get any new updates. I've been visiting her friend who is her assistant quite often to get any updates. The last I spoke to Trina I was told that Natalia found a place she'll be staying but she didn't say anything else. I always suspected Trina knew where she was and I would always ask her but Trina was such a persistent woman that she never told me where Natalia was staying. I have to admit Natalia hired a good assistant and found a good friend but it still didn't help the situation.

I remember around the fifth week without Natalia I walked to a bar. I never had any reason to drink but if it was a way to numb the pain I decided to take that chance. So I drowned myself in bourbon until I felt nothing.

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