Part 1 (Revised)

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I wake up to my loud alarm blaring in my ear, groaning, I tap the stop button and slowly get up trying to get feeling back into my feet. I stretch my arms and yawn as I walk to my small dresser picking out a black crop top with light faded jeans, and a thin yellow hoodie.
     Although it's summer and hot may I add, I have scars that I would rather not show off at school. I open my door and jog to my kitchen hoping to not wake my father. I grab some water and my bag As I shuffle to the door I hear the rumbling roar of my father as he gets up.
     I run down the stairs of my apartment rather quickly hoping not to miss the bus. I pushed open the door and walk to my stop waiting for the bus, I see it start coming up my street as Angel one of my friends walks out of his house, his curly black hair has grown a lot over the past couple months and hes gotten a lot taller, he begins walking through the maze of uncles, cousins, and more that sit in there lawn.
     He runs over to me laughing and carrying a plate of his mom cooking, "Oooo is that for me" I hope
"When isn't it" he rolls his eyes.
I grab the plate smiling as I imagine eating it, I snap out of my daze as I hear the bus move down my street stopping to pick up herds of students.
We watch as the bus gets closer and closer until our stop is next, we wait for the bus to stop. Until it doesn't and we end up chasing it while kids scream at the bus driver that were chasing the bus. She stops at the next stop and doesn't even notice as we walk onto the bus. My breathing is fast and small as I try to regain my composure, I look out the window while hearing the screams and noisy conversations of many students.
     The bus spills out as we finally get to school and the halls fill with the student, my anxiety skyrockets and my breathing starts to quicken I take deep breaths as I calm myself by my locker until Grace and her clan of gorillas, try and start problems.
     She struts over to me with her fake tan and unnatural brunette hair, "Aw you look uglier then usual" she laughs. I feel the anger spew out of me as my fist collides with her nose, I think this is like the third time I broke her nose and each time feels better. I laugh as I watch blood pour from her nose onto her white crop top. I swear I'm not a sadist or anything this girl just makes the crazy in me shine. She screeches and looks around at the crowd that's formed around us.
     "M-my dad will hear about this" (Draco who 💀) I roll my eyes and slam my locker shut as I storm out of the school, I chuckle hearing the crowds of student laughter from inside the building.
     I walk to the local cafe and wait in line as the lady in front of me orders, I order my usual and go sit down in my corner booth.
     I open my book bag and pull out an old book of mine, I flip through the pages as if I've never read it. I imagine everything I read and get lost in my own world until I hear the barista call my name.
I walk over to the counter and grab my cup, turning around I ram into the chest of someone that soon pushes me on the ground. Cold frappuccino seeps through my shirt I stand up and glare at the bald guy
"Watch where you're going" I say picking up the cup from the ground. "Your the one who ran into me bitch" the dude says. I know he didn't just call me that,
"You better watch your mouth you hairless cat" I snarl. He laughs all weird "Or what?" I take a long breath, I'm not going to fight some bald headed bitch today. Im not going to fight some bald headed bitch today. "My bad i didnt mean to run into you" I say and walking away. I got the bathroom and tty to get some of it off of me but it fails so i walk back out.
Well looks like the hairless cat was just in a bad mood today, he's still getting his ass beat wether it was from me or the guy choking him rights now. He's awfully gorgeous might i add, he has dark wavy hair with dark brown eyes and a chiseled jaw along with a symmetrical face and full plump lips.
I walk past them and start walking to my apartment as the sun heats up my skin, I walk up the steps and onto the hallway of my apartment slowly slipping the key in, I untwist the doorknob and walk into my dark apartment. My dads probably at work, just like always. I don't even know how I can even call him my dad he hasn't been for me since my mom died. Kinda feel bad for him he just burys himself in work then drinks his problems and money away. I take a cold shower and let my skin cool off and wash off all the sweat and frappachino from my body leaving only strawberry scent on my body.
I sit in the waiting room waiting for the hospital to allow Andrea's grandpa to have visitors, I feel bad this probably stressed Andrea out a lot her grandpa's like a parent to her, and for him to get hurt terrified her.
    I walk to the cafeteria and look around the large room, I see about 12 people in the cafeteria talking, I grab a bag of chips and pay. I walk back to my starting to feel a headache coming.
I open the door to her grandpa's room and sit down on one of the chairs feeling the cold metal against my back. A nurse walks in with a pamphlet and a large smile on his face and starts talking to Andrea.
"Can you go get me something to eat from the cafeteria"
I get up and walk back to the cafeteria when I feel someone run into me and hear the person yell watch where you're going. I look to see who just ran into me, He looks about my age with a white t-shirt and black jeans with dark black hair and tan skin with hard brown eyes he looks like the guy I seen earlier, the one whose table I got slammed on.
My anger rises and I yell back
"You're the one that ran into me"
He pushes me into the wall behind me I grab him by his shirt and shove him back. He just walks away, I mumble a couple of incoherent words and start walking back to my room.
      I convinced Andrea to go back to the house to get some clothes and eat a proper meal and shower.
Once we leave we go to Andrea's we figure out her mom's home by the smell of expensive perfume and movers going in and out of her house. Andrea's mom is a fashion designer who has a terrible fashion sense but somehow gets money and my opinion is she just pays someone to make her clothing lines. She and her stepdad's relationship aren't good either he kind of is just there doesn't have an opinion. We run-up to her ginormous room to play some NBA 2k 20 to keep her mind off of things.

~Later around 10~

I change into a pair of Andrea's shorts and a shirt and lay down on her bed for the next hour hoping to fall asleep,
I wake up and see the bright sun and clear sky. I notice Andrea isn't in bed so I'm guessing she went downstairs to make a delicious breakfast. I start to smell bacon I jump off the bed and run down the steps and run to her kitchen I see her setting our plates down on the kitchen island. I tell her good morning and finish my food within less than two minutes. I grab my clothes from yesterday and say bye and start walking home.
I get to my house and open the door to find no one is home I walk in front of my old dark door and open it to see my clothes on the floor, my bed covers thrown all over the floor, pictures have been smashed and my desk on its side with all the pencils and markers on the floor.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter please vote comment and follow me for more stories and chapters!

Q/ What's your favorite sport?

A/ Uhhhh I like a couple of sports, I like volleyball and watching women's basketball and if you consider cheering a sport then cheer.

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