Chapter One: The Beginning.

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The year is 2050. The NASA program has released a press statement that they will begin building a space station so that austronauts will have a more home like enviornment while in space. They brought blue prints, stating exactly their plans, for sleeping and living quarters, as well as a ship attachment for easy transport from building to ship.

These plans seem far to extensive for just austronauts...those blueprints seem to hold thousands of people. What is NASA hiding? What do they know?

Already there were tons of conspiracies, yet one stuck out to me the most. Ever since 2020 there was talk of a third World War, for it to happen now would make perfect sense. The new generations are coming in and taking over...things have changed fast since I was young...war was on the horizon...the world knew it. NASA knew it. The government knew it, and that is precisly why they approved the plans for the space station build.

NASA plans to put the building in the half way point between Earth and the Moon, therefore it would be in the direct center of Earth's gravity. Giving the building perfect stability, however making it a huge asteroid target.

Althroughout the Space Station build, there was controversy between nations...other countries got angry with Americans for "claiming the space in space" which was ridiculous. Space is unlimited in space. However this dispute between nations caused a World War. World War ||| to be exact, which is exactly the reason it was being built in the first place. So that people who wanted peace amoung nations to come and join a cause that represents exactly that.

When the war began.

No one really knows who released the poison into the air...but it killed plants first, then marine life, then land animals...soon after 5 billion humans were exterminated from their lives. Being killed by the air that once gave them life.

Soon after the air was only breathable to those who had gas masks, the water only drinkable to those with water purifiers. In that troubling time it was the biohazard that killed most of us, then it was the dehydration and starvation; and to those who survived those termoils; the worst hadn't came yet. The rocket bombs had been released into the air, most people by now had already set off to the launch site to get onto the ship that would bring them to safety. The bombs killed off the majority of the remaining 2 billion, leaving homes buildings and vehicles scorched and melted from the burning flames of the bombs.

I was one of the many to sign up for the Space Station Retreat, in the year 2049...all of the sign up signatures were also used in part to help on a petition to allowing the Space Station to be built in the year 2050. 2060 is the dark year, of which billions of people lost their lives and families... 2061 is the year where 999,885 Earth Citizens were launched into space for a peaceful life.

One full year passed after the biohazard attack and less than 1 million people were launched away to have a better happier life. Today was Unity Day. A day to remeber when all nations came together as one. We celebrated in the common station, the center of the station where all 13 stations connected at one spot. The celebration was held like any other, with foods of many back grounds, drinks of many alcoholic levels, and festivities that last generations.

When we landed at the space station there was a room for every single person, each room was equipped with a full kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, as well as a living room with television, and a place to eat at the table...
A very nice place for each person to have a wondeful life. The station had 13 parts, equally divided with 76 people per station. There were rules of course to prevent over population, for the Space Station was only equipped to hold 2 million people.

A year after arriving on the Space Station, year 2062 the stations decided to name our home it was now officially named Safe Haven, the scientist decided for all 999,885 people to survive long term we would all have to undergo cryosleep. To many of us this term was unheard of, it was unfamiliar, it was strange; and it made us scared.

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