Chapter 1: Hole In My Heart

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Starting right at the end of Frozen

"Are you ready," said Queen Elsa with a smile in front of the citizens of Arendelle which they cheer and clap with excitement of what was to come next. Thus the Ice Queen steps her ice slippers towards the stone floor of the castle, releasing the magic in her to form a beautiful and flawless ice rink as the snowflakes shot in the sky fall upon the crowd so amazed of what they just witnessed.

Elsa Pov

I watched the crowd with happiness and joy on what i displayed for them. Instead of being afraid of the monster they thought of me, they were beyond grateful and trusted me to be their queen for Arendelle."

Everyone is having a good time, no one afraid, no one in disgust, no one in fear, and finally no pain that was displayed. "Just love and joy in harmony and peace," said Elsa in her mind while watching her citizens skate and chat together in the castle grounds.

Elsa smiled and was at peace not before being interrupted by catching her sister Anna from slipping from the ice rink.

"I like the open gates," said Princess Anna to her older sister who nodded in agreement

"We are never closing them again," i said to Anna and not before i looked at her boots and waved my hands to form ice skates beneath them just for her. She looked at me with shock and awe.

"Oh, Elsa, they're beautiful, but you know I don't skate......," she said to me before i pulled her with enthusiasm towards the ice.

"Come on, you can do it!" i said to her as i guided her and help her to skate.

"Look out, reindeer coming through," said Kristoff on what i heard before we got out the way for Sven and still holding my sister arms as she maintains balance.

"I got it. I got it. Ooh! I don't got it! I don't got it," said Anna as she got it and began to slip. Good thing Olaf made it on time to help us.

"Hey guys," said Olaf as he got right behind us in case if Anna fell. I still hold her hands and she began to gain the hang of it a bit. 

"That's it, Olaf, " i said to my little snowman to show an example to Anna and telling my sister that she was doing a good job.

"Glide and pivot and glide and pivot...," said Olaf on what i heard from him which helped Anna. She was gaining balance finally.

After a while in the rink, Anna started to skate much better than before which pleased Elsa.

"That's it, there you go" i said to her. She was a keeper and she is the best sister that i could ever have.

As i watched my sister play with Olaf while they skated together, i looked towards the kingdom in my view. It was perfect. 

"Good to back," i said to myself in profoundness in me. Arendelle was finally in peace. The gates are open, the people are happy, i have my sister with me, and proud to be Queen of Arendelle. Everything was just perfect, flawless as crystal.

I continued to think about it until Anna came up too fast for Olaf to stop and we both fell on the ice. Instead of being in pain since we landed on top of each other, we just giggled and laughed.

"Ok Anna, let's continue the movement," i said to her while getting up.

Just perfect to be back.

Just perfect to be back

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