You shake your head, "Well, one things for sure. If your acting career had failed, you could've become a poet."

Thomas grins, "Try to get some sleep, flower. I'll enjoy the world a little longer."

"Okay." You say, peering out the window one more time. Before you close your eyes, you spot your constilation, shining brightly. Us. You smile before you close your eyes and fade off.

- - - -

You're listening to Taylor Swifts new album when the announcer speaks.

"We'll be landing shortly. Please buckle up and turn off all electronic devices."

You take your ear buds out and stuff your phone in your pocket. Thomas leans over to you, "Are you excited to meet my family?"

You smile nervously, "Of course!"

His mouth twitches upwards and he takes your hand in his, "Don't worry, flower. They'll love you."

You give him an appreciative smile as the plane starts decending.

You look in your lap, waiting. A teenage girl starts to walk by, when she catches sight of you and Thomas, "OH MY...." She starts, before quieting her voice and walking over, "You're Thomas Brodie Sangster! And you're his to-be wife! I loved you so much in Love Actually! Can I have both of your autographs?"

She holds a book in her hand, the last Percy Jackson one, in fact. She holds it forward. Thomas smirks, "Sure!"

He grabs the book and a pen from his pocket, quickly signing it. Then he holds the book and the pen out to you. You look at it with wide eyes, "But-"

"She said 'both'." He grins.

You look at her and she gives you an assuring nod. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, but take the pen and the book anyway, signing it.

A flight attendant walks over, "Excuse me, ma'am. Could you please take your seat?"

She nods and looks back to you and Thomas, "Thank you SO much! I can't wait to tell my sister!"

You smile and Thomas nods, "No problem."

When she walks away, you mutter, "That was weird."

Thomas chuckles, "What? You're famous! You've done some acting. And you're marrying ME. Which is a aimiable accomplishment."

You smirk, "Big head."

He chuckles.

- - - -

You round the corner, tugging the suitcase behind you. Thomas' hand in yours. He spots his family before you do.

He smiles and waves as the two of you continue walking. You suddenly become very aware of your appearance. You're only wearing a gray sweater, jeans and tennis shoes. And today isn't exactly your best hair day.

You glance at Thomas, "Do I look okay?"

He smiles at you, "You look beautiful, darling."

You feel yourself blush but you continue to trudge forward. Then you see his family. You say a silent thank you prayer when you see Ava wears work out clothes, tennis shoes and her hair is up in a simple pony tail. Her Mom is a little more dressed up, wearing a blue sweater. His Dad, stands a little off to the side of, erm....Mrs. Sangster and Ava.

You offer a friendly smile as you approach them. They give one in return. You smirk a little when Ava completely ignores Thomas and rushes straight to you, "Hi, Iris!"

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