Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Hope POV-
Josie did a good job of keeping up with me last night. We ran for a while before we both were exhausted. We came back to the house and both fell asleep, but I wake up in the middle of the night like I always do. It doesn't matter how tired I am, I always wake up. Normally, I'll get up and check on the boys before returning to my bed. But tonight, I slide out of bed and grab my phone before slipping out our bedroom door.
"Hey Caroline, I meant to call you earlier but got distracted doing blood training. How are my boys? Can you maybe come over? I want to show you something." I send the text and sit down on the couch. It is the middle of the night so I don't expect a response but my phone vibrates. "I'll be there in ten." I don't want to wake up Josie when her Mom gets here so I say the soundproofing spell as quietly as possible.
Caroline shows up quickly. I hear her pull into the driveway. I meet her at our door. "Hey, I sound proofed the downstairs so we won't wake Josie." Caroline carefully closes the door behind her, relocking it. Caroline sits down across from me in the living room. "Tell me what happened."
I go over the past day's events with Caroline. She drops her head looking at her hands and begins to nod her head not saying much until she starts rambling. "That doesn't make sense. It should be the other way around. But I guess it is your wolf preventing you, Josie's siphon side doesn't have any say when it comes to blood. How did she take it?" Caroline finally looks up at me. "Well, she blasted me with a field of magic then created a ring of fire around us. I got her to calm down after that. But her emotions were controlling her magic. Caroline, I don't understand how to help her. My wolf helps me control it. I just," I trail off and put my hands in my head and rock back and forth slightly.
We both sit in silence. We have been talking for so long that the sun is starting to rise. "Can I see what you were talking about?" Caroline's voice is calm. I stand up and usher us both into the kitchen. I set up a boundary preventing Josie from entering the kitchen. I look to Caroline, "I'm going to drop the sound proof barrier. Just watch, you'll see." She nods her head acknowledging my comment. I drop the barrier.
I grab a blood bag from the fridge and unscrew the cap. I tip the bag and squeeze some blood out. It splashes onto the counter. We both wait. The scent of blood fills our noses so we know Josie can smell it, too. I hear her heartbeat speed up signifying she is awake. Our bedroom door cracks open. "Hope, did you spill blood?" She walks down the stairs and sees the two of us standing in the kitchen.
Her eyes are still brown. "Mom?" I look back at Caroline and grab a knife out of the drawer. I drag it across my palm, blood begins to pool and run off my hand hitting the counter. Josie steps into the living room. Her eyes turn black and the veins under her eyes ripple. "Honey, concentrate. You can control this." Caroline raises her hand to show Josie we mean no harm. Josie takes another step forward and shakes her head some before rubbing at her eyes.
I decide to speak up. "Josie, focus on my voice." She turns to look at me and cocks her head. "I love you, Jo." She blinks and her eyes go back to brown. The veins disappear. "Hope?" Josie steps forward with tears in her eyes. She tries to walk into the kitchen and quickly hits the barrier. My hand closes up as I drop the barrier. Josie rushes into my arms and lets out a shaky breath into my neck. She whispers into my neck, "I'm so sorry." I look over and see Caroline is wiping away a tear. I know she hates seeing her little girl like this.
I stand there holding onto Josie until she suddenly pushes me away. Her vampire teeth are out. She mumbles to herself. "What the hell?" She lifts her hand to cover her mouth. "Babe, what just happened?" There was no more blood to trigger her. "I, I don't know, I heard your heart beating then I was close enough that I heard the blood flowing through your veins then I, I focused on it," she stops as her eyes turn black again. "Josie," she blinks a couple more times and steps back further from me closer to her mom. "Mom, this doesn't make sense, what is happening?" I hate seeing Josie like this. She's scared.
I pull my phone out of my pocket. "I'll be right back." I step out of the kitchen and walk out the front door. I sit down on the front step. I pull up Aunt Freya's contact and hit call.
Josie POV-
Hope leaves the kitchen and walks out the front door I can hear that she didn't go far. Mom turns to look at me and pulls me into a hug. The tears start to stream down my face again. "Mom, I am doing my best. I don't know how to control this. I've gotten so much better at controlling it with normal blood, but her blood. It's a different kind of pull. Like, like I have to have it to live." Mom grabs my hand and pulls me to the couch. I sit down next to her.
"Sweetie, you and Hope will get through this. All she wants is the best for you. You have only been a vampire for about two days. This imprint thing is new for all of us. We weren't sure how each of these events would alter your bond. But for right now, you need to try and stay calm. Hope told me about what happened yesterday." I nod my head and close my eyes. I take a couple of deep breathes with Mom. Hope walks back through the front door after a couple of minutes. "Alright, I know what's wrong."

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