Chapter Fifty-Three

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Josie POV-
Hope grabs my hand as we walk inside the school. We walk down the stairs towards the basement. "Babe, are you sure you want to come in with me?" Hope gives my hand a squeeze. She looks worried about me being in there. "Someone has to keep you from killing them, pretty sure I'm the only one able to." We both giggle. "You're my kryptonite, Josie Saltzman."
Dad, Mom, and Lizzie stand back as we approach the door leading to the wolf transition spaces. Hope drops my hand as we walk inside. "What the hell? I thought we killed you!" The first vampire stands up shock fills his face. "Yeah well, you should have done more research. And now, you're going to wish you hadn't done it." Hope walks slowly over to the transition space that is holding the first vampire.
I pull up a seat and sit down to watch my wife interrogate. The vampire in the second transition space looks uneasy. He keeps glancing between Hope and me. "Hope, I think the other guy wants some attention." I say out loud. He immediately starts shaking his head back and forth quickly. "No, no, I mean, I'm good." He is stuttering all over the place. "Care to explain why you attacked her then?" I stand up from my chair causing him to stumble backwards.
He raises his hands in surrender. We found the weak link of the two. "Look, Klaus is the reason we are stuck in this life. He turned some guy who started turning people with no care for the effect. We just wanted a little payback that is all." Hope walks over to stand in front of his transition space and places her hands on the bars. The first vampire remains silent keeping his eyes on the ground. "So you thought the best thing to do was come for Klaus' daughter? You have drastically altered my future now. You should be thanking me for having not killed you yet. My hunger for blood right now is through the roof because of you two." She smacks her hand on the bars sending the vampire stumbling to the ground.
Hope's voice is steady. I've never heard her talk like this. Her protective voice has a little more bite, a little less control. This, this is intimidating. "What do you expect us to do with you now? Because if you come for me or anyone I care about ever again, you won't live to see another day and you best believe it will be painful for you."
She turns her head to glare at the first vampire. His entire posture shrinks under her view. "We, we won't come back. You will never see us again if you let us go. We made a mistake attacking you." The second vampire climbs off the floor. "I swear, you won't see us again." Hope nods her head and looks back at me. "You believe them?" She asks in my head. I nod. "They sound scared, I think you've made your point. Let's talk to Dad though." Hope looks away. We both turn and walk out the door slamming it shut behind us.
Once the door shuts, Lizzie's hands glow as she spells the room to be soundproof even to the vampires. Hope moves closer to me placing her arm around my waist pulling me closer, my arm instinctively wraps around her too. Her tough exterior falls quickly once she is back with me. "Can I just say, you guys are hashtag power couple goals." Lizzie laughs. I lean over and kiss Hope on the cheek, a huge smile erupts on her face. Mom throws a blood bag at her. "I know you're hungry."
"So, they attacked you for revenge and now say they won't ever do it again?" Dad is clarifying. "Yeah, Hope scared them, bad. I thought the weak link was going to wet himself." Hope lets out a small laugh. "Are we going to let them go?" I turn to look between Mom and Dad. "Hope?" They both look to her. I can tell she is thinking. "Let them rot another day. I'm not sure yet. Probably let them go tomorrow after I threaten them again." Hope looks over at me. "Want to go run?" I nod my head. "I'd love to."
Hope POV:
Josie and I leave Caroline, Alaric, and Lizzie. We walk out the back doors of the school. Josie turns to me. "Have you tried to vamp run yet?" I shake my head. "No, I haven't." Josie drops my hand. "Try." She stops walking. I take a couple more steps forward before turning to look back at her. We are in the same field we were in earlier today to do blood training. "Go on, you got it babe." I turn back around and step forward.
All I did was blink and I was a football field length away from Josie. Her jaw drops. It is a different experience seeing others vamp. But me actually doing it, this is a rush like when I wolf out.
I turn around and vamp to Josie sweeping her off her feet. I can feel her heartbeat settle once we stop moving. I've never had any trouble picking Josie up before but my combined wolf and vampire strength makes it even easier. "This is amazing, babe." I set her down but keep her close to me. "Eventually, you'll be able to run with me whether I vamp or wolf out. You'd be able to keep up instead of having to ride me." Josie's face pouts. "But I love riding you." I lean forward and kiss her. "I know." I wink at her before we continue walking to the woods line.

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