Chapter Thirty-Four

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Josie POV-

Hope ran for about two hours with me on her back before we went back to her clothes. I turned around so she could change. After a minute or two, I felt her arms slide around my waist as she places her head on my shoulder. "Thanks for coming out here with me." Hope whispers this in my ear. I turn around so I can face her. "Always, as long as you aren't hurdling rocks and trees, I am normally good," This makes her laugh. "Maybe I do it on purpose so you'll hold onto me tighter." Hope winks at me before grabbing my hand so we can walk back to the cabin.

We get back around 9 o'clock so Dad, Mom, and Lizzie are just watching tv on the couch. "Hey, how was the run?" Dad looks at Hope. "It was wonderful, such nice scenery here." He nods his head before Mom speaks up. "So, we were talking about what we want to do while we are here in Oregon, any thoughts?" Her eyes look between Hope and me looking for suggestions. "Well, I definitely want to go to the coastline and check it out and maybe we could go crabbing? Apparently, they get really large crab here." Hope is smiling hard at me. I don't normally give my opinion this much without Lizzie cutting in. Speaking of Lizzie, "Yeah, that sounds fun to me." She looks back down at her phone probably texting MG. "Sounds good, well I am going to go to bed, sleep tight everyone." Mom heads to her room hugging all of us before she goes. Hope looks at me and nods her head back pointing to our room. "Yep, I think Hope and I are going to go to bed too," with that, I grab Hope's hand and we walk back to our room.

"You are so cute when you are confident." Hope pulls me into our room shutting the door. "It was what you and I talked about wanting to do a couple of weeks ago so I just said that," Hope grabs my hand pulling me towards her. "Yes, but you didn't even hesitate to answer your Mom." Hope leans forward closing the distance. "What is it with you and wolfing out that gets you all turned on? Not that I am complaining," I manage to say between kisses. Hope leans back, "Jo, you literally ride me." We both laugh before collapsing onto the bed. "Round two?" Hope winks at me placing her hand on my thigh. "You're on."

Hope POV-

I woke up to Josie laying completely on top of me, naked. I try not to move but it is hard. I look up to see her start to stir before she rolls off of me which startles her. She opens her eyes in a panic to see me quietly giggling. "Good morning, babe." Josie blinks her eyes a couple of times trying to wake up. "Good morning," she scoots closer to me wrapping her arms around my waist. My phone buzzes on the nightstand with a text from Alaric. "Coastline in an hour?" Both her parents know not to walk in. I text back, "Sounds good," before I wake up Josie completely. "Your family wants to go to the coast in an hour which means you need to get moving." Josie rolls her head up to look at me before grunting. I kiss her forehead before we start getting ready.

All five of us pile into the car with Alaric and Caroline upfront and Lizzie, Josie, and me in the middle row. "Are we there yet?" Lizzie is already getting annoying. "Couple more minutes." When we finally pull into a parking lot by the coast, Lizzie jumps out of the car first. I look to Josie and ask her in my head, "Why is she so fired up?" She shrugs her shoulders. "No clue, I've been with you the whole time."

Each of us did our own thing. Josie and I walked down the beach hand in hand just enjoying the view. Caroline and Alaric were talking to each other with their backs turned away from us and Lizzie was sitting in the sand looking out at the water.

Alaric POV-

"Ric, we need to tell the girls eventually. I am running out of leads and they could help us. Hope and Josie are engaged. They should know what is going to happen just a couple of years into them getting married." I nod my head. "We still have a couple of years. There is still a chance we can stop the merge from happening." Caroline doesn't respond. "Stop the merge? What are you talking about?" I hear Hope speak behind us. I turn around to see Josie talking to Lizzie out of earshot. "Nothing to concern yourself with." I am hoping she doesn't question me too much but to no avail. Caroline looks at me with a "you need to tell her" look. Hope continues to glare between Caroline and me. I let out a sigh. "It is a long story."

Caroline POV-

I walk with Hope a little further away from Josie and Lizzie while Ric goes to see how the girls are doing. "The merge is a curse cast on the twins of the Gemini coven. At 22, Josie and Lizzie will have a battle to see who the strongest twin is. Whoever wins, absorbs the other. The winner becomes the new leader of the Gemini Coven. This is the reason I am gone all the time. I am looking for answers to try and find a loophole." Hope looks pissed. "The girls don't know, do they?" I shake my head no. "We were trying to avoid it as long as possible to see if we could find a solution." Hope looks out to the water, the wheels turning in her head. She responds after a couple of seconds.

"You need to tell them, now, they are old enough that they could help you. I can help you. But I can't hide this from Josie. She's my fiancée, the love of my life, Caroline, and you are telling me she could die in a couple of years and she doesn't even know?" I knew this was what Hope was going to say. "Ric and I will tell them tonight when we get back to the cabin. I am not sure how they are going to respond to this news though so-" I trail off not sure how to end my sentence. "Be ready for the worst?" I nod my head. Hope doesn't say another word as she walks back over towards Josie.

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