Chapter Eight

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Alaric POV-

I just watched Hope break a tree in half with her hand. The realization hits me too. The new monster probably took my girls. I kneel down next to Hope, "Hope, we need to move inside. We need to find out what took them to get them back." Hope doesn't move. I am trying to remain calm but it is getting harder to. "Hope, let's go!" She finally stands up nursing her broken hand which should heal soon and we walk back towards the school.

We get back and Dorian meets us at the entrance. "We need to start researching immediately," Dorian looks to me, "Do we have anything to go off? We don't know what this monster is." I try to remember the brief glance I got when I saw it headed towards the woods. "It looked like a deer or stag but it had wings and talons?" The words coming out of my mouth would sound absurd if this wasn't a typical situation. "You're telling me a flying deer grabbed the twins?" I can tell Hope is trying to remain calm but is failing.

"Hope, why don't you go get your hand looked at then join Dorian and me in the library." Hope nods and walks off. "What happened?" Dorian looks at me confused referencing why Hope was clutching her hand. "Punched a tree in half, no biggie," Dorian's eyes go wide. "Damn, okay, well, let's go to the library," we both walk towards the library and start looking for books mentioning a deer or stag with wings.

Hope POV-

I walk to the infirmary and the nurse checks out my hand. She says it'll heal by itself but it will probably take at least 24 hours. She gave me some ibuprofen to help manage the pain. Before I head to the library, I stop by my room to change and can't help but walk by Josie's room. I try the door and find it unlocked so I go in. Her room feels so empty especially knowing she isn't going to walk in any second. I walk over to her desk and see one of her hoodies on the chair. It still smells like her so I grab it and put it on walking towards the library.
"Have we found anything?" It's been about an hour since I went to the infirmary. "Actually, yes," Alaric picks up a book that is laying on the table. "It is called a Peryton, hybrid stag bird combo," Alaric shows me the book. "Do we know how to kill it?" I'm trying to remain hopeful but it is hard when my girlfriend is missing. "Found it!" Dorian holds up a different book from across the library.

"To kill a Peryton we have to kill its' shadow with a blessed weapon. The more people it kills, the stronger the shadow. It can also morph into a man with enough kills," Dorian looks up at Alaric. "If it just came through Malivore or was resurrected its' shadow shouldn't be too difficult to kill." "But how do we find it and the twins? I can try a locator spell but they are probably cloaked." Alaric looks at Dorian as they try to come up with an idea.

"Wait, I could do a pink crystal visual teleport. I can basically visualize the twins and show up where they are. I can see as best I can where they are and if they are doing okay, I just can't touch them and I can't be harmed when there." Alaric's face lights up, "Do you know where one of those crystals is?" Josie had talked to me about it before because that is how the twins communicated when Lizzie was in Europe with Caroline. "I think Josie has one, I'll go check their room and call my Aunt Freya to get the spell."

I get to Josie's room and feel bad that I am riffling through their things but I know Josie and Lizzie will understand considering that I'm trying to save them. I finally find the crystal in Josie's side table. I pull out my phone and call Aunt Freya.

Freya POV-

"Freya, dinner is ready!" Keelin calls up to me so I grab Nik and head downstairs. I get him strapped into his highchair right as my phone buzzes. I look down to see it's Hope. "Keelin, it's Hope I'll be right back," I step outside to take the call. "Hey sweetie, how is everything?" I can hear Hope trying to calm her breathing. "Josie and Lizzie were taken by a Peryton and I want to do a pink crystal visual teleport but I don't know the spell," Hope takes in a deep breath of air. "Okay, well, do you have a pen and paper?"

Hope POV-

"Thanks Aunt Freya, I'll be careful, love you," I hang up the phone and look down at the spell and careful instructions. I need to visualize Josie clearly in my mind. Her hoodie should help me form the attachment to see her. Then, I need to recite the spell. I should show up where the twins are, and they should be able to see me. I head back to the library and see Dorian and Alaric. "Ready?" I look to Alaric and nod my head.

I sit down in one of the library chairs and place the crystal in my left hand. I have the sheet of paper with the spell laying on my right leg. I pull the hoodie up to cover my mouth and nose so I can get Josie's scent. I recite the spell and close my eyes.

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