"Oh good morning" You turned around and saw Hendery with his dog

"Oh hey" You smiled and you both left. While having small chat outside, old lady from 5th floor started to talk with Hendery. You both chuckled while she asked tons of questions. You said see ya to Hendery and started your run. Hendery couldn't focus on the lady as he watched you running away. He smiled to himself and then turned to her


All day in work you were like flying. Your colleagues were happy to see you looking so bright while your best friend...was just a best friend

"Bitch what's wrong with you? Did you fuck someone? Since when you're like that?" She asked sitting in front of you

"Jessi, I'm just happy. Today is amazing day, I went for a run, cleaned my hamster's house and came in work without being late" You smiled and she smirked

"You fucked that new neighbor right?" She asked and you quickly shushed her

"What?! No~ stop it" You said looking around while she laughed

"So what's his name? Is he single? How many pets he has? How old is he? Do-" You cut her off and sighed

"...he's Hendery, as I know he lives alone with his dog named Fefe, well he has friends but about girlfriend I don't know" You said cleaning the cup

"Is he hot?" She asked and you just smiled making her laugh

"Oh you naughty" She punched your arm and went to help you


Like you said the day was perfect. After getting groceries you went home. From far you looked at his windows and saw that Hendery was home. That made you smile again as you pressed the code of your front door and walked in

After doing your usual routine, like changing, giving food to your hamster you went in kitchen and thought what you should make for dinner. You opened the fridge and heard a doorbell, after slamming fridge's door shut, you ran to check who was there. It was Hendery. You opened the door and saw him with a plate

"Oh hi~ I just made dinner so decided to give you some, try it" He said with his bright smile and you let him in. You both went to your living room and he quickly ran to your kitchen to take a fork. You laughed seeing him being impatient and thanked him for the fork. You tried his food and it was good. Really good

"Wow! Since when you're such a good cook?!" You said with your eyes wide open

"My friend Kun taught me a bit, is it really that good?" He said and you nodded. He couldn't keep his eyes off you thinking how cute you looked

Suddenly you heard a heavy rain. You both turned to your window and saw what was happening outside

"Oh gosh, when I got home it wasn't raining that much" You said and rushed to close the window. The thunder hit out of nowhere making you to scream

"Are you scared?" Hendery asked and you shook your head saying shy yes

"Should we stay together for tonight?" He asked getting up from the couch

"I guess so"


Rest of the night you with Hendery and his dog stayed at your place watching films until all lights and TV went off. At first you two just sat in silence and out of nowhere started to laugh. Before that Hendery saw that you feel uncomfortable with the storm so he decided to try his best and make you feel safe

"And what should we do now?" You said and he clapped

"Do you have any board games and candles? Come on it will be fun" Hendery jumped and turned on his flashlight. You found your old Monopoly and The game of life, Hendery found candles and you both sat down in your bedroom. Being only with him was the best thing that happened in your life. He was amazing friend and always made you laugh. Till this day you two never fought and always had a lot in common.

After playing few rounds of monopoly you layed on bed laughing your asses off and couldn't stop. Behind the windows the storm wasn't calming down at all but it didn't worry you anymore. You both turned to each other and you put your hand on his cheek. Hendery smiled and kissed your palm, taking your hand in his

"You're amazing person Hendery. Before you started to live here I was all alone, well with my hamster. I only had one friend, but both of us are too different. Now I think I got not only perfect neighbor who doesn't drink and I don't need to call cops at freaking 2 am, but an amazing friend too, who helps me even with small things such as watering plants in our yard" You said making him blush

"Let's celebrate it, our friendship" He said jumping off the bed and running to search for some champagne in your kitchen. Even though his reaction wasn't like you wanted, you were still happy to call him your best friend.

You two always hung out together, helped each other and etc. Until...one day Hendery had to leave, he didn't know when he will come back and it hurted both of you. You didn't want to let go of each other but he had no choice. After saying your last goodbye in airport you waved to him and smiled with eyes full of tears

"See you again, neighbor Hendery"

"See you again, neighbor Hendery"

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~After a year~

You came back after taking Fefe for a walk and talked to her all the way to your apartment

"What should we eat for lunch? I have frozen pizza, I think that will be good" You said to the dog and looked for the keys in your pocket

"I see you got another best friend" You froze in your place and looked up

"Hendery!" You shouted and both with Fefe ran to hug him

"Welcome home neighbor" You joked and he kissed you. The kiss was short but hot. Full of passion and longing

"Hi my beautiful girl from apartment number 303"

"Hi my beautiful girl from apartment number 303"

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