10. Two Identity.

Start from the beginning

'Angel, act cautiously around the people close with you'

'And why would I do that?'

'You have to if-'

'I don't want to'

'If you don't want to die'


'You will die if anyone finds out about you'

'So there is a possibility of me being found out?'

'Yes, that is if you're an idiot'

'Shut up, who do you think I am? I'm a genius, duh'

'A self proclaimed genius' He chuckled.

'I am not'

'You are'

'Am not'

'Self proclaimed genius'



'I'm done. Go find some other person to bully'

'I cannot. I've already chosen you'

'Go away creep'

'If you say so..  Angel'


And he really was gone..

"My lady-"

"Call me Llyse." I cut off Lyllia, she was my personal maid but to me, she was my best friend who I could share anything to except the reincarnation thing.

".. Lady Llyse, the prince has asked you to wait for him at the exit of the dorm since he isn't allowed to come in" Do I really have to walk all the way down to the exit just to meet that shithead?

"Isn't that risking my life? I will be wasting my precious breath just to meet the prince, won't that make this beautiful being tired?" I sighed sadly with my precious self.

Just picture the goddess of beauty and love, sighing in sadness with tears dripping from her eyes.  Won't that scene be epic? It would be and that was exactly how I looked.

"Then shall I go and execute the prince before that happens?" Lyllia asked with a straight but serious face. Seriously?

"I was just kidding, you don't have to go to that extent, haha" I laughed awkwardly. I mean I was serious about all that talk but I don't wanna risk her getting the prince murdered. I don't want anything to happen to her or me.

"Okay, my- lady Llyse. Shall I help you get ready?" I nodded in reply. This gurl had some serious skills, she was perfect in almost everything. From housework to assassinating someone.

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I Transmigrated into an otome game as a villainess!Where stories live. Discover now