He had spent his entire life longing to own or even read this book; a collection of fairy tales that Spencer had shown him in a shop window. When his young friend had asked him to read the only page on display, they had each been captivated by the tale of a handsome prince falling in love with the peasant girl. It had become a dream that neither could relinquish. Yet he had never learned how the story ended.

Finnegan carefully lay the book aside and caught Anthony's face in his hands, to kiss him. He returned pressure instantly, as an arm snaked around his back to his waist. With a tug forward, they fell onto the bed together, Anthony beneath him. He kissed him with all the passion and love Finnegan had grown accustomed to.

It was only when the brown paper crinkled beneath his knee, as he attempted to reposition, that Finnegan broke away. He was two inches from kneeling on his book. He sat up and placed both their gifts onto the already cluttered bedside table.

"Tell me, how did you manage to pay for my gift?" Anthony asked again.

With a feigned sigh, he straddled his husband's lap and pressed both hands to his chest. "You know the owner of the store is a vampire, so when I caught you eyeing the book, I asked him if the techniques within could be used by a human," Finnegan explained, feeling quite giddy at the thought of spending the next night exploring their gifts.

Anthony had served his last shift with the guard this night and he had worked his last at the store, before their departure. They had three glorious days alone together, before they had to travel and he longed to make the most of those days. Making love, talking late into the morning and enjoying their gifts seemed a perfect celebration of all they had found at the Promise of Pleasure and all that they would share in the future.

"When he confirmed that anyone could learn those techniques," he continued, "I knew that it would both satisfy your curiosity, give you knowledge of the men you would be serving beside and be useful for advancing your own skills. So I used my employee discount," he admitted, drawing his hands to the bottom of Anthony's tunic top, that he must have changed into in preparation for his arrival home. Once he had a hold of the fabric, he slid his hands beneath it and pushed them up his broad chest, to feel every inch of the bare skin.

"It is a wonderful gift," Anthony agreed, though he then looked embarrassed, as his neck flushed faintly. "My gift is not so valiantly bought," he confessed shyly. "Our Commander – a vampire, as you know – overheard my mutterings, as I planned what to gift you, and suggested something from the heart," he explained.

"Thus, you chose a book." Finnegan nodded, understanding the logic of his choice. That did not distract him from the warm skin beneath his hands and the tight body that he longed to explore.

"I did." His husband chuckled and flipped him onto his back. "My only thought was to provide a book. Your first." There was a twinkle in his eyes that said he also recalled their last discussion about 'firsts'. "When I spoke of the book I wished to purchase, the Commander gave me this book," he said, gesturing to the gift he had given him. "He claimed it was an unworthy payment for my service, but perhaps it would be a fitting gift. But, though I did not pay for it, I hope you appreciate the sentiment."

Finnegan lifted himself to kiss his husband, as it was the only way he felt capable of thanking him for such an immense gift. When they parted, he smiled and traced his fingertips across the cut of his strong jaw. "No price can be placed upon the greatest gifts. There is no price on your heart or the love we share. I do not care if your gift cost nothing or the earth; it is this that matters," he confessed, placing his hand over Anthony's heart. "That you knew the precise book I have longed for my entire life means more than the fact that you have made that wish a reality."

Anthony leaned down to kiss him, until the moment swept him away.

Finnegan cared nothing for the gifts that would be waiting for him when this night were over; there was no limit on time. They had the world before them and endless years ahead. Reading could wait, but his appreciation for the man he loved could not.


Long after a lingering, very satisfying celebration of their love for one another, Finnegan lay curled by Anthony's side in complete contentment. The soothing touch of tender fingers trailing up and down his spine made his eyes flutter heavily with the call of sleep.

"Did you speak with Spencer this evening?" Anthony asked quietly.

"I did," he said, with a smile. He loved knowing that his guard cared so much for his friendship with Spencer that he had urged Finnegan to seek him out, for a final farewell, before their trip. "He is sad that we must leave, but he understands. He said the sweetest thing. That I would always be his very best friend, no matter the distance between us. And that we had wonderful lives ahead of us."

His husband sighed and shifted beside him, while brushing soft lips against his forehead. "I believe he is correct. That boy knows many things that no child should. I would not be surprised had he some magic in his blood," he muttered, sounding as tired and near to sleep as Finnegan felt.

He could not help but smile and agree with his theory; there was magic inside Spencer, some all knowing gift that kept him so joyful and spirited after all that he had been through. He hoped beyond hope that he was correct about their fates.

"Now that we have said goodbye," he pondered, thoughtfully, "we have three glorious nights ahead of us, to do as we wish. So many hours alone, with no plans and most of our packing already completed..." he admitted.

Anthony chuckled and turned onto his side, nudging his shoulder with his cheek, before placing a kiss upon his bare skin. "I can only imagine what we may do with that time," he teased, as a hand crept over his stomach.

Finnegan smiled and squirmed under the touch, too exhausted to retaliate. But he more than approved of his plans. To have three full nights alone with his guard – his very own Prince from his very own fairytale – was gift enough. To know that he had been granted a genuine dream come true, in the book Anthony had given him, was a small token in comparison.

For who could place more value upon a material object than love?

The love of a good man was priceless and, though it had never been part of his dreams, Finnegan now knew the truth. Beyond all else, love was the only thing in the world he needed.

Anthony had not made his dreams come true. He had given him new dreams. Better dreams. And they would see them into reality together.

The End

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