Chapter 12

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Zane's Pov

My eyes fluttered open slowly. I started to blink and look around. I see I am in Cole's room. I really do like him I guess. He's been gone for a single day and I had a mental breakdown. 

I push his covers off my body and slide off his bed. I shuddered when a wave of coldness hit my body. I slowly make my way to his door and open it. I closed Cole's door and went to my room. I grabbed and Ninja Gi and threw it on, fixed my hair, and walked back to my bedroom door.

 I put my hand on my doorknob before the black feather came into view. I slowly took my hand off the knob and grabbed the feather. I few tears fell down my face. I wiped them off and put on a determined face. Even though I knew I was afraid we wouldn't find Cole. 

I sat the feather down and opened my door. "C'mon Zane breakfast." Jay shouted from down the hall. I roll my eyes. "I'm coming Jay." I saw and continue walking down the hallway. I entered the dining room. There were pancakes, bacon, and sausage set out on the table. We all made our plates and ate in silence. 

The silence was nice before Kai started talking. "So Zane how was it sleeping in Cole's room?" He asked. I bright red appeared on my face. The others started to laugh. "Zane was sleeping and Cole's room?" Lloyd asked looking up at me. I nodded. I spoke up. "I have to say his mattress is comfier than mine." After that everyone had small talk while eating. Usually I'd take this time to talk to Cole, but he isn't here.

We all finished our food and put our dirty dishes in the sink. "Ready to go find Cole?" Kai asked stretching his arms. We all nod. "Good lets get going then." Kai replies heading to the Bounty door. We all head outside for a gush of wind blowing toward us. We all jump off the Bounty and summon our elemental dragons.

In five minutes tops we made it back to the woods. Our dragons disappeared as we all land our feet firmly on the ground. "The police said they are already looking." Nya piped up gaining our attention. "Have they found any tracks?" Lloyd asked. Nya shakes her head. A frown summons onto my face. 

"Lets continue to find him." I mumble heading into the woods. We all walked further into the woods. It wasn't long until we heard barking in the distance. "C'mon!" Lloyd shouts. We start running to the sound. "We found something!" An officer shouted. I finally saw a glance of the officer. 

"What did you find." I quickly asked as we made it to our destination. The officer nodded as he handed me a piece of bloody fabric. Cole's gi... Another officer walked up to us. "We've lost them." Wait... them? I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly asked by Jay. "What do you mean them?" Jay shouted in a panicked voice. "There were two Hybrids, they got away like they disappeared into thin air." The officer continued. 

"What do you mean thin air?! Nobody can disappear into thin air?!" Jay continues in his panicked voice. "Jay calm down they can't be far." Nya reasoned. Jay nodded and took a few breaths. "Continue looking officer you don't know if you can find another track on Cole." The officers nod and head the opposite way where they last spotted Cole. 

 "Should we split up?" Kai questions. Lloyd nods and starts talking, " We can cover more ground splitting up." "See ya on the flip side." Jay waves. "Meet back here in a few hours!" Lloyd says walking away. We all part opposite ways. 

After a few hours of searching I stop. I take a deep breath and let it out. I sit up against a tall tree. Compared to the others it looked like it was the tallest. It was a beautiful, healthy oak tree. I closed my eyes and listened to natures music. It was mostly the wind moving the leaves creating a soothing noise. I sigh in satisfaction, but I couldn't get my mind off Cole. 

The thought of Cole never coming back to us takes up my mind. We just wanted to help. Who knows he could be long gone by now its been a few hours so he could be across the whole forest by now. I sigh and stand up. I rub the dirt off of my Gi pants. That's gonna leave a stain. 

I start to walk back to our meetup point. The others already waiting for us. "Finally your here because i'm hungry." Jay wines. I chuckle. "Want me to cook?" I requested. "Please?" Jay says in a squeaky voice. "Lets head back." Lloyd says walking back to a clearer area of the forest. We summon our dragons and head back to the Bounty.

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