Chapter 10

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Cole didn't want the others to find out about his wings like this. He painfully glided down to the woods. Crashing into the hard ground. Cole couldn't let the others chase after him so he ran further into the forest. The blood started to get worse by the minute. Cole took little to no notice of this, but he knew he needed to bandage it. 

Cole stopped pretty far into the woods. The smell of nature filling his nose, he took off his Gi shirt. Ripping the shirt in half he wrapped the two Gi parts on the worst parts of his wings. The shirt started to soak up the leaking blood.

Cole finally sat down. Not holding it back he started to cry. Tears streaming down his eyes he thought of all their faces. Obviously Cole didn't see their faces all the way being blinded from tears in his eyes. There faces held fear and disgust. 

The only thing that came to his mind was hateful words. Him thinking of being kicked off the team just like his father kicked Cole out of his life. The team probably going to tell the police and them coming to search for Cole.

Cole painfully sat stood up. There was no time to waste. He had to get further into the woods so the others have no chance of finding him. Cole started walking. Limping some times from the pain in his back.

Blood continued to fall onto the green grass staining it. After what felt like an hour of walking Cole fell over. He was too weak to walk. From the lack of blood he soon passed out in the coldness of the woods.


Zane was standing in disbelief. Did Cole really think his team would judge him. Tears started to prickle Zane's eyes. In a quick and swift motion Zane pushed them away. The team was standing behind him. "We have to look for him." Zane says not hesitating. "Would could try to get the police to help find him." Jay suggested. Nya nods grabbing her phone out her Gi pocket dialing 911. 

The ninja waited for Nya to get off the phone. "There sending a search party." Nya says putting her phone back. "We already have a pretty good lead." Kai says starting to head down the mountain followed by the others.

At the bottom of the mountain Lloyd knelt down saying, "He left a trail of blood from his wings we can follow it." The five(Sensei staying back to talk to the police) followed the bloody grass. Sadly it ends. "He can't be far hes injured." Zane says starting to walk further into the forest. "I'm not so sure Zane you know Cole he pushes himself." Nya sighs.

"We can't just give up, now lets search." Zane commands. The five split apart. Soon the police came with their police dogs hopefully they could sniff Cole out. After hours of searching there was no luck. Like Cole disappeared.

"C'mon Zane we have to get home it's getting late by the minute." Lloyd says. Tears finally fell from the ninja in whites face. He couldn't believe they can't find Cole. "F-fine." Zane stutters wiping tears away. They started to head back to Jamanakai village.

The five climbed back up the mountain. Master Wu was talking with a police. The four huddled around Sensei listening to their conversation, besides Zane. "Thank you for your help sir." Sensei finishes before turning to his students.

"The case is closed for now they found no signs of Cole the blood path ends so they have to stop the search." Sensei sighs sadly before continuing, "They said he could've been taken by a wild animal or something else." The ninjas all had sad expressions. "Lets get home." Lloyd says summoning his energy dragon.

The others follow Lloyd's action summoning their elemental dragon. They all hopped on and began to fly back to their Bounty. They jumped off their dragons all of them poofing into different colored dust. "We'll look for Cole tomorrow Zane." Kai says putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Thanks but no thanks." Zane sighs pushing Kais hand off.

They all entered the Bounty and went to their separate rooms. Zane instead of going into his room decides to sleep in Cole's room. Cole's bed was nicely made with Zane's fluffy blanket folded at the bottom. Zane climes into Cole's bed and pulls the black comforter up to his shoulders. Taking one last breath in of the bed that smells like Cole, Zane fell fast asleep. 

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