Tell Them All My Secrets...

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A/N - I'd like to thank Poppycovers  for helping me figure out what this should be about. Hope you like it. This is a two-parter.

I barely reached Caspar and Ambar before Caspar announced to the almost empty corridor, "You've so got the hots for her."

"Hello to you too, mate." I hugged each of them, whispering, "Behave," to Caspar.

"So show us your dressing room, Joe."

"That's where I'm taking you. Duh..."

"So when did you start fancying Dianne?" he asked as soon as the door closed.

"Yeah." Ambar said.

I sighed in defeat. "Just a few days ago. Thing is, she's not just hot, she's... I value her. I want to do right by her."

"Awww, Buddy! Sounds more like you love her."

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