Aesop x Reader x Eli <3

Start from the beginning

Aesop was the kind of drunk that didn't seem drunk until he spoke. He would be normal and then he would say something absurd or do something with such confidence. 

Eli was a bit clingy and emotional when drunk. His owl had already left, not wanting to deal with this mess. y/n didn't blame it. 

The poor girl brought a hand to her face, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Emma muttered a "sorry" before giving her the list of items and disappearing into the crowd once more. It was a long list as always since they needed to get food for around 20 people. She stuffed the list in her pocket and walked up to the two. When she approached, the hazily looked up at her.

"Hey, we need to get groceries." She said, hands on her hips as she stood over their sitting forms on the couch. Both had confused looks. 

"But... it's like forever at night..." Eli mumbled, sinking into the couch more while Aesop maintained his usual posture. 

"Well, the fridge doesn't care. We have little food apparently and we need it now." She replied, aggravated at the resistance to go. When they didn't respond, she huffed and grabbed their hands, hoisting them up. This was a feat in itself, as both sort of went limp like rag dolls. Aesop was easier but both were still nearly impossible for someone of y/n's size and builds.

When she finally got them standing, well more like Eli was leaning on her, she guided them to the door. Once she had grabbed their hands to pull them up, they had kept an iron grip on her, not letting go. 

Emily shot a sympathetic glance to the (occupation) as the trio exited the manor. 


"mmmm." Eli hummed drunkenly as the three walked down the decrepit path that would lead to the main town. "You smell nice~" He slurred, leaning further into y/n as they walked. y/n felt her cheeks heat up as she comprehended what he said. 

"T-thank you but you leaning into me makes it hard to walk." She said slightly aggravated that she was basically on babysitting duty.

"I could just carry you then" Eli exclaimed and went to lift her up. 

"NONONO YOUR DRUNK YOU'LL DROP ME!" She yelled, shooching away from the Seer and more into Aesop. The three were still linked by hands. 

"Eli is strong, he won't drop you." Aesop piped up, causing y/n to look up at him. "He slams down many pallets in a match. Very strong." He continued, mumbling. y/n let out a small snort.

"Aesop, we ALL put down many pallets in a match. Me and you included." She said, chuckling.

"Ah." Aesop exclaimed. "So I could pick you up." He said, looking down at her. She bristled a bit.

"Nobody is carrying me if they are drunk." She deadpanned, returning to in between the two. She heard a small sniffle from beside her and turned to see Eli's red face close to her. His bottom lip was trembling and he was sniffling. y/n looked at him shocked and confused.


"Do you hate me, y/n?" He cried, drunken tears dripping down his face. y/n began to freak out a bit.

"No no no!" She said hurriedly. "I don't hate you! Why would you think that?!" She worriedly asked. 

"You don't trust me to pick you up..." he continued with bubbly sobs. y/n sighed. 

"Eli, you can pick me up when you sober up, okay?" She said, turning to him. Suddenly the tears were gone. 

"Okay!" He said cheerfully before picking up his pace, dragging y/n and Aesop behind him.

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