"Immediately after the wedding," I said. "The wedding will take a lot of preparation and juggling that along with work and the adoption would be stressing, so we decided to start after the wedding."

"Noted," She grinned. "Emma should be out of class now and in her room. I'll take you both to see her now."

We left the office and made our way up the stairs to Emma's room.

Matilda knocked lightly on the door before turning the knob and pushing it open slightly. I peaked through the crack and saw Emma laying on her side, her face to the wall.

"Emma," Matilda spoke softly.

"I'm still not hungry, Ms Matilda," Emma replied, her voice barely above a whisper. My heart broke at how weak she sounded. "I'm okay."

"I'm not here to force you to eat, Emma," Matilda smiled to herself. "You have two visitors." Emma made no move to get up so Matilda continued to speak, "Adrien and Marinette-"

She didn't even finish speaking because Emma was already out of the bed and wrapped around my leg.

I smiled and picked her up. "Hello Emma."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face into my shoulder. "You're back!"

"Of course we are. Didn't we make a promise?" Adrien ruffled her hair causing her to swat his hand away.

"I'll leave you three alone. If you need me, you know where I am," With that said, Matilda headed out of the room and down the stairs.

"We need to talk," Adrien started as we sank down onto the beds, Emma still in my arms. "Matilda has been telling us some things that we definitely don't like hearing."

"But I haven't done anything wrong," She pouted, playing with end of my hair.

"Why haven't you been eating?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Because I'm not hungry," She answered, and as if on cue, her stomach growled.

"That's believable," Adrien snorted, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, maybe I'm hungry now," She smiled slightly.

"Emma, you need to eat. If you continue to behave like this, when the inspector comes, she'll think you're not being treated well and will move you to a different home. One that may be way worse than this one. Do you want that to happen, Em?"

The inspector came to the orphanage every two months to see how the children were coping in the orphanage and to see if they were being treated well. If the inspector felt like a child wasn't being treated well enough, they would remove them from the orphanage while giving the person in charge a warning.

She lowered her head. "No."

"Then you need to eat," Adrien piped in, tapping her nose lightly causing her to giggle. "You should try to talk with the rest of the girls more, too. You can't stay cooped up in here forever."

"What if they're mean again?" She asked, the edges of her lips turning down slightly.

"Then you'll tell Ms Matilda and she will deal with it," I told her. She stayed silent for a while before nodding and muttering a small 'okay'.

"Now, let's go get you something to eat," Adrien said, standing up. I mimicked his actions, sliding Emma off my lap.

We went downstairs to tell Matilda that we were taking Emma out to get something to eat. We then told the other girls that we would return with treats for them.

We then drove to a close burger joint where we went in, ordered and took our seats.

It's actually weird that we were always going to public places without bodyguards or without any type of disguise, but I guess it's because we just don't care...? I mean, just because we were famous didn't mean that we don't want to live like normal people.

Adrienette Arranged Marriage (Rewrite)✔Where stories live. Discover now