* chapter 8

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Hawks POV

I woke up on the sofa. Apparently we had fallen asleep last night while watching TV. I looked up to see Touya's peaceful sleeping face. My husband. Touya was my husband. We had been married for almost a month now but I still couldn't get used to the thought that he was finally all mine now. Until death will do us part.

I smiled to myself. I thought back to a few years ago, when deep down inside I believed him to be dead, but still let my eyes scan for his red hair and icy blue eyes everywhere I went. Or to a few months back, when his body and face was full of those purple scars and his hair dyed black. After not using his quirk for weeks, the scars had eventually faded away. Or at lest they weren't so bright purple anymore. At first they had only been slightly reddish-purple marks that were hardly noticeable, but now white spots had taken their place. Somedays I caught him trying to cover them with concealer just before we were to go out. And every day before going to sleep, he put on a healing crème.

It was obvious how much he wanted to forget his past and live this new wonderful life full of joy and happiness. It had all been perfect since he moved into my house. We occasionally went to dates and when I wasn't at work we spent the whole time together.

I brought my hand up to his face and moved some crimson red hair out of it. The black dye had washed out only after a few days and his hair almost became its old soft fluffy again.

Concentrating on that gorgeous hair of his and thinking about how lucky I was to have him back, I didn't even notice his eyes fluttering open slowly. He looked at me with a mix of love and sleepiness. One look at the clock on the wall and I knew it was still early, 4am. What in the world had even woken me up?

"Sorry," I muttered, but a soft kiss pressed to my forehead told me that it was alright, that he didn't mind. I smiled up at him, my head still lying on his chest. I sighed happily and closed my eyes again.
Life was beautiful.


There we stood, in front of a ugly small house. And when I said ugly small house, I really meant ugly small house. From the outside, the house's once bright orange color had faded into a dirty beige. A small, now hardly readable sign read "Tanjo Coda, birth specialist". The house was barely higher than Touya's head and only thinking of how low the ceiling must be, I started feeling claustrophobic. It was unbelievable to think that someone actually lived there. Touya stood in front of the door that was pretty thin and barely reached to his shoulder with its height, probably doubting whether he should knock or not.

Just when he brought his hand up to the old wooden door, the door was thrown open from inside and almost hit him if he hadn't jumped back in surprise. A small young man with tired yellowish brown eyes, dark blonde hair and a warm smile looked at us.

"Please excuse me, I just wanted to let my cat out for a walk." A small white cat with brown spots ran past him and down the street like it was being chased. "Oh, please, come inside." With that, he just walked into the house, leaving the door wide open. One nervous glance at Touya and we both followed behind, closing the door after us. The house really had a low ceiling, Touya and I couldn't even stand normally, we had to duck.

The man was sitting on a sofa, knitting like he hadn't left that spot for ages. "Keep in mind that I can not say which of you will become pregnant and it won't necessarily work from the first try on. Are you still willing to do it?", the man said without looking up from his knitting. The bored way he said it, it almost sounded like he had learnt the same sentences by heart and said them every day to at least one couple.

"I swear to god, Kaigo, if I become pregnant" I heard Touya mutter next to me. I had to smile at that.

"Yes." The man extended his hands to us right after I said it, just letting his half knitted pullover fall on the floor. I took his hand and so did Touya, even though he hesitated for a bit. I felt a warm feeling course through my body. How lucky for us that someone with a quirk like that lived only two hours away from our house.


[ . . . ] with that, we happily announce you that Kaigo Todoroki, better known as pro hero Hawks, will temporarily be freed from his hero duties and replaced by none other than his husband Touya Todoroki, who earned his hero license only last week. Looks like the Todoroki bloodline wont end here, as to the happy hero couple expects a son in April. His name will be Hinotori Todoroki.

(A/N) so yeah, that was the end. this chapter is pretty much crap, but i really don't have any Inspiration for this anymore. maybe someday I will return to this book with some Flashbacks or fluff, but at this point the story of Kaigo and Touya Todoroki came to an end. as for Hinotori, he is actually one of my beloved ocs. you can see some stuff about him on my tiktok/instagram /slytherincos/ (yeah i cosplay).


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