Chapter 29.

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1 month later

"It's perfect Betty fit for a true Queen" I look around the bedroom Betty has been working on for my Nicole's arrival soon. "I have one complaint"

"Of course you do." She mumbles under her breath but I ignore it.

"Get her a bigger bed. I want her to feel comfortable, a California king should do it"

"Anything else sir?"

I smile as I walk over to Betty, I tower over her as she tries to hold her strong stance. Always so difficult this one. I use my thumb and index finger to tilt her chin upwards.

"Lose the fucking attitude now," I say in a hushed tone, I can feel her body tense up as she tries not to break eye contact.

"Yes sir" she grits through her teeth.

"Good girl, now prepare everyone for my queens' arrival. She'll be here any day now"

"And what are you going to do when your brother comes hunting her down?"

"Oh, that is a simple answer Betty" I walk towards her as she stumbles backward. She becomes trapped between the wall and me. "I'm going to kill him, but not before I have him watch while I take the one thing he loves most" I pull a knife from my pocket and stab the wall beside her.

"Then I'll reign over my family Empire and none of them will be able to stop me"


"Oh come on Gerald tell me what Nadei is planning!"

"No Malishka it's a surprise for a reason"

"Ger Ger pleaseeeeee" I try to give my best puppy eyes to Gerald but they don't work. He just brushes me off and continues back to his chores.

For the last month, Nadei has been so hush-hush around me, I heard some whispers about him planning a big surprise for me. And god fucking damn it I want to know already. Everyone except Jillian apparently knows, mostly because the boys know she can't keep a secret from me.

"Really cute malishka but no. I could lose my job and probably my life if I tell you" Gerald continues cooking breakfast for everyone else, who is still sleeping.

"But aren't I worth it!"

"Malishka you are worth a lot to me, but...." Gerald turns around to see me sitting on the barstool pouting with tears in my eyes. "No don't start that Nicole! It won't work I'm standing my ground."

"UGHHHH WHY WON'T ANYONE TELL ME!!" I yell at the top of my lungs and Gerald just rolls his eyes as he begins to set the table.

"My love are we throwing a tantrum so early in the morning?"

"Me? Never I'm an innocent angel!" I give Nadei my best innocent girl's eyes to which he doesn't buy for a moment. He slowly tilts my head upwards and grabs onto my waist.

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