Cazanette - Problem Identified, Conclusion

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CHAPTER ELEVEN - Problem identified, Conclusion

"Say Globus, what is the life expectancy in Cazanette?" Reevahn asked while we were on our way to the shrine.

"What do you mean?" Globus confirmed.

"What is the maximum age of the citizens to live, he means." Said Brix.

"I don't have an idea. We, hybrids, have no memories of our childhood that is why we don't know how our parents died or how they died." explained Granger.

"I believe that is the same case in purebreeds." said Globus.

"I think not." Gaila contradicted. "Master Ren said earlier that... umm... I mean, he knows who his father is."

"If we thought that earlier, we should have asked a purebreed or the Elder. Are we going to the town of knowledge?" I asked.

"Hey! You're still here?"

"Chaeldra!" called Brix. "Good timing. We have something to ask you."

"About what?"

"How long does the Cazanette citizens live? What is the maximum age? Of course excluding the Elder." Reevahn asked.

"About forty to forty seven in both hybrids and purebreeds."

"Hmmm... forty times eighteen divided by twenty four... thirty?" I computed.

"What are you computing?"

"How old is that in our world? Thirty? That is too young. But the dowager is older than that"

"That's it. Why are the citizens die in that age? Sickness? Accident?"

"They were taken by the holy creator and were sent to the shrine."

"What do you mean taken?"

"Their spirits are automatically taken."

"Meaning, dying for no reason?"

"Yeah, like that."

I thought, maybe the dowager is exempted with their life expectancy is because she is also not of this world.

"I want to go to the funeral." Reevahn said.

"What?! How?! You are not allowed to attend a funeral!" said Chaeldra. "The funeral is only done by the shrine people."

"Ooooh... That makes me more curious." Said Revahn. "I have a plan."

Reevahn stated his plan to us. Because we decided to take the responsibility, we are going to do every little thing that is related to Cazanette. Chaeldra told us that last wills are allowed in the shrine. Reevahn planned to fake his and Granger's death to be able to research the funeral ceremony. If anything weird happens, he will communicate with us. If the funeral is only normal, which is they will be buried, he will tell us to save him. Brix and I will go to the shrine to send Reevahn and Granger's fake dead bodies and act like we are grieving. After that, we will go straight to the glowing castle.

"Don't worry, they do not check the bodies if there is a confirmation from a person like me." Chaeldra said. "So they won't know if they are still alive."

"Don't they care about the citizens?" said Brix. "They could bury them alive if they are only in the state of coma."

"They don't even know the citizens. They don't interact to the people. They only stay in the Shrine. What is a coma?"

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