Cazanette - Forming Hypothesis

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CHAPTER NINE - Forming Hypothesis

Gaila, Globus and Granger were also dressed in armor when we met them the morning after the ceremony. Because of the nymph's gift, our armors changed a little as well. We didn't notice them last night because it was changed under my gown and their suits.

"We have something to give you." Globus said.

"What is that? A gift?" Brix asked.

"No. A purebred human dropped this while running out of the party last night. I'm not familiar with figures you are familiar with." Granger said while Gaila took a small rolled paper in the pocket of Granger's armor.

"When he dropped this, it seems he was in emergency." Gaila said.

"Maybe it's important. We should return it to him. " I said.

"We were talking with the high classes last night so he should be a low class man, right? A boy?" Brix asked.


"I believe he's a middle class."

"A middle class? But how?"

"Maybe he just went to see his child."

"But if he was, why is he running?"

"Yeah. Can I see that?" Reevahn asked. "There are lots of numbers one and zero.

"What is that? Debt? But, there's only two number figures."

"Let's ask the natives about that, then if they don't know, let's encode it."

"It's possible to be a binary system figures." Brix suggested.

"Let's ask Master Ren and her Highness first. They could help us."

We went to the living room where Master Ren, the dowager and the queen were chatting.

"Good morning. We came here to ask you something." Reevahn said. He gave the paper to Master Ren and they consult it.

"Isn't this a receipt?" the dowager asked.

"Receipt? What is that?" Master Ren asked.

"It's a receipt that the merchant or shopkeeper gives you after you pay as a proof that you paid for your purchase." The dowager replied.

"I haven't heard of that, mother." The queen said.

"But, if the queen and Master Ren don't have the idea about receipt, it means the Cazanette people don't know about receipts as well." I said.

"Considering Master Ren and the queen's position, it's more likely that they have no idea about it since they spent most of their time indoors while the dowager is usually in town of knowledge." Reevahn said.

"But if the people use receipts, the dowager should have one when she bought us swords. To add, isn't the way of trading here is by Barter system?" Brix suggested.

"You have a point." Reevahn seconded.

"Why don't you ask the people themselves? What breed dropped that?" Master Ren inquired.

"A human Purebreed, the said."

"Then, you should go where the human purebreds reside." Master Ren said.

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