Cazanette - First move

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CHAPTER THREE - First move

          Moaning voices are echoing in my ears, not sure what exactly those moans are but eventually they became clear.

          "Nina! Nina! It's already morning!"

          "Get up! Get up! Master Ren has present for us, hurry!"

          "Nina, if you don't wake up, you'll be dead meat!"

          I can hear Brix and Reevahn's voices trying to wake me up. I carefully opened my eyes and saw the bed filled with cotton and feathers.

          "What happened here?" I confusedly asked while rubbing my eyes and stretching my back.

          "Brix beat you up a lot of times using that pillow but it won't wake you up."

          "Yeah and it took us half an hour to force our voices just to reach you out."

          "Ah. Really? Thank you. Why did you wake me up this early?"

          "It's already morning and we still have mission you know. Master Ren said he has present for us and he won't give it if one of us isn't present. C'mon, get up now!"

          We went to Master Ren's backyard. It looks like he is raising farm animals in a hectare-wide land. If we didn't notice this wide land earlier, it must mean that the kingdom is actually a big one. The grazing animals look at us with respect, I guess. They weren't afraid of us and they weren't that scary, they just let us pass by while reaching for the stalls. I was wondering why he brought us to the stalls. My imagination says he'll give us golden eggs with powers that we should use.

          "Here is a present for the three of you. You might need them in completing your missions."

          He then released the gates and three stallions bowed before us. The stallions have very well-built bodies. They have long hair with different colors each. One of them is sky blue, one is mint green and the other one is pink. According to the colors of our attire, the pink one must be for me, I love animals so much that I can't help myself to touch it even if it is a lion. I brushed the nose bridge of the horse and I thought I've seen him smile.

          "I will be happy to serve you" said the pink horse

          The three of us startled with what we hear and the sound came from my horse.

          "D-did...did you just talk?" I asked

          "Yes, I did. We can all talk. For now, we will be partners."

          "Really?! It's been a long time since I asked for a talking pet!"

          "Pet? If I will be your pet, I consider the name you will call me"

          "Since I wanted to be a nurse or a doctor someday, can I call you Gaila?"

          "Of course you can. I am now Gaila..."



          "Great! This adventure brings too much joy! I'm having adrenaline rush!"

          Envied of me, Brix and Reevahn also called names for their horses. Brix called his Globus and Reevahn called his Granger. We noticed Master Ren petting another white horse, a horse as white as sheet.

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