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A sharp cry left the pitiful woman's lips as the royal guards let her drop before the king and queen, humiliating her on her knees.

Her mate was no where to be seen, beaten to a bloody pulp for trying to resist arrest. He was shunned away in the rotten cells for the time being.

The woman's hair was long and tangled beyond belief due to the harsh treatment from the royal guards who had retrieved them in such violent manner.

They had broken down the locks to their humble home, loud yelling as they marched into the small home and destroyed any last sense of peace the Kim family possessed.

The woman's nose was bleeding severely, eyes bloodshot and under eye bags visible.

They knew sooner or later they would be taken.

Her mate had been struggling financially, finding the courage to ask the king for a payment, growing grateful when his wish was granted.

But sooner rather than later he realized that he would be unable to repay the royal family back.

No one made deals with the king for free.

Everything had a price, and they were about to find out.

"Please!" The woman wailed like a banshee, making the alpha king and queen eye the woman with harsh eyes.

The alpha suppressed the growl threatening to rise at the sight of the woman, upset that they had to go that far when they could have just payed him his money.

"Your majesty, Mr. Kim was placed in the holding cells for resisting arrest." One of the guards behind the woman spoke, making her cry louder as she kneeled before the king and queen.

Her clothes were disheveled as she bowed her head, facing the blood red carpet beneath her.

Looking up at the alpha would only be a death wish and she could not afford to die, she couldn't be even more selfish.


"Silence!" Almost like a force of nature her mouth closed shut, no sound escaping her.

That was the power of his alpha tone, stronger than average because of the royal blood.

She felt her spine straighten as her knees gave out beneath her, making her fall face first onto the carpet.

She could hear as the royal guards retreated to a further corner, leaving her alone to the alpha king and queen's disposal.

"Where is the payment, Kim Areum?" The alpha demanded, voice deep and heavy.

She shivered involuntary, fingers shakily moving her tangled hair out of her eyes and sniffling loudly.

"W-We don't h-have it your majesty." She admitted quietly, shutting her eyes tightly and waiting for her end to come.

She knew the second that the royal guards entered her home that her life would never be safe for however long she was alive.

She would always be in debt with the king.

It was silent for a few more tense seconds, making a thin line of sweat trickle down her temple as she awaited her doom.

"Very well," he said, oddly calm making her even more afraid of what he was capable of.

"Take her to the cells, she and her mate shall be executed before sundown." 

Within seconds there were guards grabbing her arms harshly, forcing her to stand and attempting to drag her away.

All blood left her face at his words, heart pounding wildly in her chest.

She felt as if there was something restricting her breathing, making her shake her head furiously.

She had to beg, not only for her own miserable life and her mate's but for--

"Please! I'm with child!" She croaked out, voice raw from crying and screaming.

She was still struggling against the grip of the guards, big fat tears rolling down her cheeks.

As if her words changed everything, she could see the moment the queen raised her hand, signaling for the guards to let go of her making her fall to the floor once again without any strength.

It was no secret to the kingdom that the queen had given birth to a pup four years ago.

He was the talk of the village for a good few months even after his arrival, the small alpha prince.

She watched as the queen and king stared at each other, almost as if they were having a conversation with their eyes.

"Step closer Areum." The queen spoke, voice void of any emotion, making the woman afraid that if she did as told, her head would be ripped off.

Nonetheless she gathered as much strength as she could to rise on two feet, shakily stalking closer to the throne.

She slowly climbed the few steps to the platform where the king and queen were situated, eyes peering around afraid and cautious.

And suddenly the queen was rising to her feet, head held high as the guards fell down to one knee.

The woman could feel her powerful presence before her, forcing her head to bow in submission.

"How far along are you?" She asked finally, making the woman shudder at her velvety voice.

"Four months." She replied, nearly choking on a sob.

She couldn't help her shaky fingers from traveling to her stomach, placing a hand over the small bump.

She could feel the queen's gaze following her every move, piercing into her skin.

Without another word the queen retreated to her position at the throne, letting a small sigh leave her lips almost as if taunting the woman's current situation.

Almost as if she was pitying her for bringing an innocent child into her own mess.

"I have a proposition for you Mrs. Kim." The queen spoke up, voice booming much louder than before.

She felt the air leaving her lungs at her words, the small possibility of living was enough to have her wiping her tears away.

In that moment she knew she would do anything, as selfish as it was of her.

She needed her mate alive and well, her pup had to live.

Whatever the king and queen wanted, she would give it to them.

Anything was better than losing her life.

"A-Anything!" She begged, hands coming together as if she were going to pray.

"Very well," she said, voice low as if she were flaunting her power over the woman.

"Your debt to the royal kingdom will cease to exist under one condition." She spoke, making the woman's eyes widen in disbelief and shock that the queen was willing to pardon their wrongdoing.

She found herself nodding furiously even before she heard the second part of the deal.

"Your unborn child is to wed and mate with the royal prince once he or she reaches the age of eighteen."

A shaky breath left her lips before she closed her eyes tightly, "It would be an honor."

The deal was made with both the royal mates' signature and the peasant mates', drawing a small amount of blood to seal the whole thing.

Her mate was grateful for her sacrifice, reassuring her that their child would be fine in the royal family.

In fact they would be providing him with a life full of riches and endless wealth.

If only they knew the hell that waited for him in the arms of Jeon Jeongguk. 

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