02 | ice cold froyo

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More than ten kilometers in, Rose was already tired but Lisa wasn't quiting; it was one of the many reasons why their coach wanted Lisa to be the track captain. "Hold up, Lisa, hold up." Rose said, trying to even out her breating as Lisa slowed down her pace to match. "You're definitely getting into Seoul Prep."

Lisa rolled her eyes. "So are you, silly. You just need to work on your endurance but in 100m races, you're better than I am."

"Do you mind if we cut our training short? I have my period and I can't do the usual fifteen." Rose said as she put her hands on her knees to rest. "Maybe we can go back to your place and eat some pasta already. I'm starving."

Lisa laughed. "You're always starving, Chaeng." She teased. "Alright, maybe we can stop by for some cheese in the grocery since I think we ran out."

"Ooh, can we also get some Ramdon?"

"I thought you wanted pasta?" Lisa said as she led the way to the grocery store.

Rose gave her puppy eyes. "I want pasta then Ramdon."

Lisa chuckled. "Ah, Chaeng, you're slow because you eat too much junk food."

Rose just gave Lisa a sour face before linking arms with her best friend as they head to the grocery. As they neared the grocery, Rose exclaimed and cheered. Lisa turned to her friend who had a rounded gawked mouth and eyes that sparkled as if she saw a unicorn. "Lisa!" She pointed.

Lisa looked to see what her best friend was so excited about; it was a "Buy 1 Take 1" sign at the froyo shop near the grocery. "Lisa, please can we get some. I'll pay!" Rose said as she tugged on Lisa's arm.

"I'm not so sure, Chaeng." Lisa rubbed the back of her head. "We're in the rich neighborhood. That shit might cost a lot."

"My mom gave me dinner allowance! Can we get, pleaaase?" She begged.

"Ah fine, let's go."

Rose hugged Lisa before dragging her to the line. The line for the store was not that long but it did reach outside the quaint, posh-looking yogurt place. Lisa cautiously looked into the store; it had a white interior with marble counter tops and large minimalist windows. The servers were all dressed in a structured white uniform. What she noticed was how most of the customers looked rich and young. People her aged were lined up for yogurt yet dressed as if they were going to a fashion show.

"I cannot believe Yogu is having a promo." The girl in front of Rose and her said as if she was disgusted by it. Lisa noticed that the girl had a weird accent when speaking English. It wasn't American and it sounded a little bit like Rose's accent. "I swear this neighborhood is going to lose all its class if it continues to appeal to the lower class."

Lisa's eyebrow raised at the comment of the girl. She examined the girl who was dressed in a white blouse, a plaid tweed skirt, and expensive looking leather shoes. She had shades, and when the girl turned her head slightly, Lisa saw that the shades were Chanel. The guy she was with was a not-so-tall handsome guy who was dressed in a button up, tailored pants, and leather shoes. He ran his hand through his hair and smiled at the girl, "It's just a promo. Besides, everyone in line is from our school."

The girl looked to the front of her and then to her back. She was shocked at the sight of a sweaty Lisa and Rose who were obviously a little disheveled from their run. Lisa could not see behind her huge opaque sunglasses but she noticed that her head tilted up to down, meaning she was looking at them from head to toe. Her pink lips formed a smirk of some sort; it felt insulting. She turned her head back to the guy before she said, "Not everyone."

The guy nudged her. "Jennie, watch your mouth."

"They probably don't speak good English enough to understand us." The girl scoffed with a cocky shrug of her shoulders.

In the Running | 𝘑𝘦𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘢 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now