Chapter 2

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The bus's brakes slammed and Terra's head flew forward, smacking against the seat in front of her. Noah rolled from his laying position on her lap and Terra grabbed his waist just before he landed on the hard carpet covering the floor. She pushed herself from her position with her hand, fighting the residue momentum from the breaks. She rolled Noah from his hanging position and pulled him back onto the seat next to her.

Terra moved both his hands out against the seat in front of them, making sure he was steady before she stood and tried to see what was happening. The squealing of brakes was overwhelmingly loud as she looked ahead, squinting in the dark. But before Terra could see anything, the brakes did their job and the train jerked to a stop, sending her hips into the seat in front of her.

She settled back into her seat, keeping an eye out for something to tell her what's going on, but Terra still couldn't see anything. Noah looked up at her, silently asking her what's happening. Terra looked away from him, not able to give him an answer.

"Sorry for the technical difficulties, they should be fixed soon then we will be on our way again," Someone said from the dark, their voice sounding a lot like the bus driver.

A chorus of voices floated around the confined space, asking for details of the current event or a further explanation. A couple dim lights came on, illuminating the bus driver and the worry on his face. Terra heard the man try to quiet the crowd and spoke again. "Please, everyone settle down. It should be no—"

A loud pop echoed through the darkness. Noah let out a surprised squeal and Terra gripped his hand, squeezing it in her own. The round man speaking to them just moments before stumbled forward, eyes glossed over as his body slammed into the ground. They all watched in horror as the black hole in the back of his head bubbled red and all voluntary movement from his body ceased.

The light diminished and a chorus of screams erupted. Terra pulled Noah to her and covered his eyes, trying to blind him from the scene already permanently distilled in his mind. He sobbed and Terra could feel wetness soaking her hand while the voices in the train once again flared; this time mixed with screams and tears.

"Terra, what's happening?" Noah asked between cries, shaking in her grasp. Terra tried to encircle her arms around him to shield him, but his tremors showed her that it was no use now. She didn't know what to say, so she stayed silent.

Another loud noise echoed through the car, but it wasn't as loud and seemed swallowed with the overwhelming sound of voices. The moonlight came out and it was a little easier to distinguish shapes and sizes. A large swarm of shadows were buzzing by the front door, blocking the exit.

"Shut up!" A commanding voice thundered over the space, halting all motion and noise coming from the terrorized passengers. "Listen and you won't get hurt. I'm not feeling particularly patient today, so any disobeying or goofing off will just make you like your bus driver."

The black shadow spread across the body on ground and heavy boots thundered against the carpeted bus ground. Terra could hear rhythmical stomps like soldiers walking towards them and their aisle and Terra pulled her hand from Noah's eyes.

Terra motioned with a single finger to her lips for him to be silent and pointed to the old carpet covering the floor. Slowly, they lowered to the ground. Small crumbs covered the hard floor and Terra brushed her back against the top of the seat to hide from view. Noah followed, hiding under the seat in front of them. Terra heard the boots coming closer and held her breath.

She just escaped the life of a prisoner. There was no way they were going to be dragged into some human trafficking ordeal on her ticket out. This was not the life Terra had planned for Noah. A pair of boots stilled right at her nose. "Now, we are going to count off and leave in the order of your number. Understand children?" The cab remained silent and the fear was nearly palpable. "Do you understand?!" He hollered again.

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