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April 5, 940
"YOU SNOBBY CHILD! GET BACK HERE NOW!" My brother yelled. I immediately jumped and started to run away from him. I felt my heart beating quickly as I hid behind one of the stone walls. This is how every day has gone for a few years.

All types of people yell at me, and I've only come into existence recently. I do not know much about myself or the world around me, even if the information is being shoved down my throat constantly. I get orders from the church, from my "brothers," then from the kingdom of England.

That is me in a way too...I am England; I came into existence with the help of the government, the people, and more. There is no explanation for why this happens, but when it does, people accept it for what it is.

I knew what I was, but not really. There were many questions I had that no one could answer. Some of the questions were simple. Such as "are there more like me" besides my "brother" Scotland. We lived on an island away from the other countries I'd heard about. I ask my brother if there are more like us, and he never gives me a straight answer.

I know deep down there is, but I don't know who or where they are. I won't be able ever to find out unless I were to run away and find out myself. However, that might be hard.

I looked like a ten-year-old boy, so I knew people would stop me and ask. However, by now, I was nearly fifty-plus years old. I aged slowly, it is confusing, but I still managed to live with it.

I finally looked around the corner and saw that no one was near. This was my chance to leave the premises before Mr. Scotland eventually found me.

I quickly covered my head with my green hood and began to run away toward the exit. I open the big heavy doors, slowly emerging into the lit room. The candles placed on the wall were enough to light the way.

Once I finally made my way outside, I noticed that the sun was high in the sky. It was midday, maybe a little later. "ENGLAND! WHERE ARE YOU?!" A shout was heard. I jumped from the yell, seeing the main doors open.

Damn, he found me.

He scared me so much when he got angry. I backed up toward the tree behind me, and all three of my brothers rushed out. "ENGLAND! Get back inside now! You need to finish your studies," Scotland spoke.

I shook my head, terrified. I didn't want to get close to him at all. "No, you are just going to yell at me," I spoke. "Scotland, go easy on him, a little; he is still learning," my other brother said. He was Mr. Ireland. He was more sociable, but all three were equally harsh to me.

I began to back away more and noticed how there was a small opening on the castle wall. Maybe someone had broken it somehow? I knew what I wanted to do. I could try to slip out of there and run away. I didn't ask to be like this! I didn't ask to be in this country, and bear its responsibilities, so why should I?

"Come here, England," Mr. Wales spoke.

The point of running is not to get caught. This was it; if I got caught, I would be punished severely. I needed to keep running away until they would not find me anywhere. I looked at the three of them seriously and began to prepare myself. "NO!" I shouted.

I immediately turned away from them, sprinting through the crack in the wall. I knew immediately that Scotland tried to grab me, but luckily I slipped through just in time. I felt him trying to catch my cloak, but I pulled it away. "Get back here now! ENGLAND!" He shouted.

I turned to him nervously, shaking my head, and soon sprinted into the nearby forest. I needed to keep running for as long as I could. If I stuck around any longer, I knew they would find me, capture me, and force me to do whatever they wanted me to. I was tired of it! I was never going to be pushed around again! From now on! I will swear to be the world's superpower!

The entire world will be mine if I put my mind to it! I will fight anyone who steps in my way or stops me from being more powerful. I won't take this abuse any longer!

I continued running more deeply into the wilderness, and I planned to keep running away until I reached the shore. If I could find a way to cross over to the mainland, I could try and find others like me. Maybe they could help me! Help me get away from my brothers. I didn't want to be constantly yelled at by them anymore. It was horrible and made me hate myself.

It is true!

At some point...

I started to believe them a little bit. That I was indeed what they said about me. No one was there to be nice to me. I was jealous of seeing the people in the kingdom with happy families—their mothers and fathers, their kids, how they grew old and lived their lives fully. Yet I was stuck in hell with my so-called " brothers "for an eternity. Unless I were to fall apart, that stuff doesn't happen often. I was told that nations usually last three hundred years before revolutions or dismantles could occur, and I was still a very young nation to find out if it was true or not.

Would I mind if I were to cease to exist?

Not necessarily...

I still had feelings and thoughts, just like the people in the kingdom. However, I couldn't do anything to make myself happy. Who could bare to live like this? What type of person was I going to grow up to be? Bitter maybe? Because I couldn't experience anything more? Who knows...

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