15 (extra 1)

314 16 10

Sometime in the far future

I scratched my head, looking at all the work I needed to finish. "God, I will die doing all of this work!" I groaned. I stood from my desk and began to drink my tea. It was a lovely day outside. It was spring, so the weather was lovely. I should go out this week.




I looked over at my phone, annoyed, and quickly walked over to answer it. "Hello?" I groaned. "England! What are you doing? Are you home?" A sweet voice asked. I rolled my eyes at the familiar voice and leaned against my desk. "What's it to you?" I asked. "Ah! I have a surprise for you! Come to the door!" He laughed. "Ugh! You better not waste my time!" I spoke.

"Never!" He laughed.

I shook my head, smiling, and hung up the phone. I placed my teacup down and quickly rushed to the front door. I unlocked it and opened it.

There he was, with that stupid smile on his face. I could not tell if he was here to be friendly, annoy me, or maybe start an argument. "What do you want, France?" I asked.

He laughed at me and pushed his way through the door. "Oh, America told me you had been cooped up in your house all week. I figured you wouldn't want to leave, so I decided to bring lunch to you. How about we sit out in the garden for lunch? I made your favorite!" He smiled.

I closed the door behind him and crossed my arms. "Honestly, you are hopeless; what if I wasn't home? You should have called if you were coming! I could have gotten some coffee ready! It was a long trip! Are you staying at a hotel? I'm sure it is a terrible hotel! You will stay with me till you go home. You really should have called! You are very inconsiderate about that! However, it can not be helped! I will get coffee and tea ready for lunch!" I spoke.

I shook my head at him, and he began to laugh at me. "Honestly, what is so funny?" I asked. He shook his head and began to walk with me to my kitchen. "Nothing, let's just hurry; I will be fine without my coffee; I brought us some drinks! Wine! How about it?" He spoke. I lifted an eyebrow at him and closed my eyes to think. He really was hopeless; he had not changed a bit.

"Fine, what did you bring anyway?" I asked. He smiled at me, showing me this brown basket that looked ancient. "Hmmm? That looks familiar; how long have you had that thing?" I asked. His face turned red, and he looked down at it, releasing a chuckle. "Ah! It is an old momentum from a long time ago! I brought toasted sandwiches! Your favorite!" He smiled.

He began to pull me outside and immediately pulled me to the ground. "Here?" I asked. He nodded at me and began to take everything out of that basket. It really did look familiar. It reminded me of something from a long time ago. "There won't be any bugs in my food, right? That basket sure does look old," I laughed.

"Honestly, England, you worry too much about the details!" He laughed. He handed me some food, and I looked at him with a lifted brow.

I accepted what he was doing, and we began to eat in silence. The breeze blew my hair around, and I looked over at him, trying to hold his hair down. He was so cute, that idiot!

I laughed at what he was doing and reached my hand over to him. I began to push some of his hair behind his ear, and he gave me a hopeless look. "I guess it is one of those days where we are nice?" He asked. I laughed at what he said and shrugged my shoulders. "Unless you wanted to fight?" I asked. "I could start one right now!" I added.

He began to laugh at me and nudged me. "You never change; I missed when you were smaller, you were so cute," he whined. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. He was the cute one.

"Although this breeze does make me feel a little nostalgic, it's that time of year again," he spoke. I nodded at him and continued to eat my food. "Yeah, didn't we meet at a time like this?" I asked. He began laughing and nodded happily. "Yes, what a fun time that was," he spoke. I began to feel sad and scooted closer to him. He was so annoying, but his gestures of kindness reminded me he cared.

I slowly rested my head on his shoulder and felt him tense up. "England?" He asked. "Shut up, for once," I whispered. He breathed out, defeated, and I felt a smile spread across my face. "Honestly, you are hopeless without me around," he whispered.

He began to lean his head against mine and breathed out. "Thank you..." I started. "For what?" He asked sweetly. "For the lunch... thank you...Francis..." I whispered. I could feel him relax slightly, and he began to nibble on some cheese.

I closed my eyes as I felt the breeze hit us again. It wasn't simple when we were younger. We were blind to the truth, but we still came together in the end. We loved each other, deep down, and cared for one another, despite the constant arguing. That is what I felt, at least; however, who knows what that cheese eater is thinking half the time?

"Anything for you...Arthur..."

The rest of the lunch went fantastic; we began to laugh and talk about all of the things we had been through in the past. Strangely enough, as the years passed, some of the things we did became more laughable. How we forgave and loved each other through all the heartache, we caused each other. He was the only person in the world who I loved to be around.

I loved him, both France and Francis...

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