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When I awoke, I slowly sat up, placing my hand on my forehead. "I can't believe that fall knocked me out," I winced. I looked around and saw that it had gotten dark. Damn, how long was I out? I gathered myself together and finally, but slowly, started to stand up. I looked around, but I couldn't see anything. I was utterly lost; I had no idea where I was.

I covered my head with my hood and began to feel helpless. "I'm such an idiot," I cried. I held my left arm in pain and felt hot tears begin to trickle down my cheeks. I began holding myself close as I cried. "I don't know what to do," I cried. I started walking and sobbing as I tried to look around through my tears.

I shouldn't have run away. Now I am alone, lost, and hungry. "Hello?" I cried. Hoping someone would hear, anyone.

"Hello!" I cried again.

I began walking some more and saw as I entered an area where a pond was. The trees were open enough for the moonlight to seep through, and I bent down near the water. "Hello!?" I cried again. No one...

I slowly stuck my hands in the water and cupped some in the palm of my hands, splashing it on my face. I continued to cry and slid beside a tree. I used my cloak to cover myself and began to slide my knees up to my chest. "I just want to go home," I cried. I started sobbing into the palm of my hands. "Someone, please help me," I sobbed. I felt my breathing had increased, and I felt so hopeless.

"Don't cry, Mr. England," a small voice spoke. My eyes widened as I immediately looked up. I felt my tears stain my cheek as I looked up to see a beautiful little person flying in front of me. They had wings and began flying around. "Don't cry! You wouldn't want to cry in front of your new friend," she spoke softly. I continued to look at the strange creature, shocked.

"My...new...friend?" I asked softly, between my tears. The tiny fairy-like creature began to fly away, leaving a trail of light and sparkles behind her. I watched in wonder as she flew across from me into the forest. As she did, I watched as a sudden light lit up. My mouth parted as I watched the figure emerge from the shadows. "Are you okay?" They asked in French. I didn't say anything.

The person walked up to me, placing their lantern down. The figure stepped out of the trees, and I watched, shocked as the person showed themselves in the moonlight. My heart began to race faster as I watched the person inch closer to me. "Are you lost?" They asked sweetly.

They reached for their hood and slowly took it off, revealing a beautiful maiden. She had beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair up to her shoulders. I couldn't take my eyes off her. "Yes," I finally answered."What is your name?" She asked.

I continued to observe her sweet nature. It was not safe for me to use my "real" name. I had to come up with a fake one quickly. I began to think about it, and my heart began to race. The only name I could recall was of one of the young servants back home. "Arthur..." I spoke.

The girl smiled at me and placed a hand on my cheek. "You have been injured, Arthur; let me take care of you," she spoke softly. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I stared at her nervously. "I don't know you..." I spoke. She began to giggle, and my heart raced.

"Where are my manners? My name is Fran—"

A pause.

"Francis..." she spoke.

That's when my eyes widened as I realized who this person was. She was not a she! But he! And he made my heart thump to an ungodly extent. Francis reached his hand for me to grab, and I slowly took it. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked. He began to laugh and shake his head. "No, I have plenty of rabbits at home," he giggled.

He was taller than me by a little but did not look much older. "How old are you?" I asked. He smiled at me and helped me stand correctly. "I am thirteen, and you?" He asked. "I am ten, but what are you doing out here alone?" I asked.

"Ah, I am not alone; you are with me."

"No, I mean before that."

"Ah, well, I had an odd feeling someone was out here, in trouble, so I came to the rescue!" He cheered. Hmmm, he is talking to me like I am a child. I looked at him, confused, and he began to guide me through the forest. "The real question is, why are you here alone?" He asked. I looked at him nervously and didn't say a word.

"Hey, it's okay, you can trust me," he smiled.

"Well..." I started. I didn't have to tell him the whole truth. "I ran away from home... it didn't go as planned, and this strange figure nearly attacked me. I fell down the hill trying to escape it," I spoke. "Hmmm, a strange figure, huh? I wonder who would have the audacity to be wandering these forests," he said. Audacity?

"I'm not sure, but they freaked me out," I explained. "Well, are you trying to get back home? I can help you. Do you live close by?" He asked. I shook my head at him nervously. "No, my brothers, they won't be happy to see me. Can I stay with you a little longer?" I asked.

My brothers were going to kill me when they saw me. "Of course, you can come to my place, well, it's my private house. My real one is farther, but I stay at my secret place to keep watch," Francis explained. I looked at him, confused, and he giggled. "It is too much for a child like you to take in," he laughed.

Eh? We were only three years apart from the ages we said, but even then, I was way older than he was. I suppose he doesn't know that. "Come now, I will carry you so you can rest, get on my back," he spoke. Francis bent down for me, and I looked at him nervously. "No! I couldn't!"

"Yes! You are injured! Let me carry you!" He demanded. He began pulling me toward him, and I nervously placed my hands on his shoulders. "Okay..." I spoke. This doesn't mean anything! I should still be careful about trusting him. "Thank you..." he said. He lifted me and held onto my legs by placing his hands underneath them. "Go ahead and rest; I'll wake you when we get there," he reassured. I nodded at him nervously and rested my head on his shoulder. He was friendly; it would not hurt to trust him a little.

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