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"Look, Francis," I spoke in wonder. My eyes widened as I watched a bunny hop around in the distance. Francis sat beside me and continued to look at the bunny with me. "He looks like you," he giggled. My eyes widened, and I shook my head. "No! I look more like a boy!" I spoke. Francis smiled at me and began to pat my head. "Yes, you are the cutest boy in the world!" He giggled. Francis began to kiss my cheeks, and I felt my face get hot.

"I'm not a baby!" I whined.

After last night, Francis made sure to hold me close as I slept. Another day had passed, and I wondered when my brothers would try and find me. I knew I should be coming home soon. I was unsure where we were, but Francis had guided me this whole time.

Francis stood up from beside me, and I looked at him curiously. He held his hand out for me, and I took it softly. "Let's go find somewhere to sit," he smiled. "Hmm? For what?" I asked. Francis began to guide me, and he showed me a pretty brown basket. "It's lunchtime," he spoke.

I loved this...

I wish I could stay with him forever. We could grow old together and play outside all the time. That sounded like a beautiful fantasy that I wanted to escape to. Why did I have to be a country? Why couldn't I have been a human like him? I wanted to cry thinking about it. All I wanted was to be happy and not be pushed around every single day of my miserable life. I wanted more! I wanted to feel love... to have a family who actually loved me, and not because we were forced to like each other.

Francis led us to a small area that had trees that curved into a circle. The sun wasn't covered, and a tree had fallen into the ground. Francis held my hand and gestured for me to sit down. "I brought some bread and berries," he smiled.

I sat down on the tree, and he began to unpack the small brown basket. "For you," he smiled, handing me bread. I took the piece happily and closed my eyes as I took a bite. All my responsibilities which seemed to be so much for a kid, were gone. I was way older, but I felt young as ever.

I did want to ask him something important now that we were finally sitting down. "Francis," I started. "Yes?" He asked. "Who was that boy yesterday? And why was he after you?" I asked. Francis stopped smiling and looked at me seriously. I had a feeling that boy was another country.

"Don't lie to me; I have a feeling that boy might have been a country, like the ones you told me about," I spoke. "Ah, yes...you have good eyes and ears."

"How do you know him? Which one was he? Was he France?" I asked, terrified. Francis' eyes widened, and he shook his head quickly. "No! France is nothing like that boy!" He started. "That boy is known as Mr. Portugal; I know him through some people from Paris. Remember how I said I usually live there?" He asked.


Wow, that boy was Portugal; he was scary.

"He is eager as many might be right now."


"Ahh, well...uh... you come from England, right?" He asked. He looked as if he was trying to word it correctly. "Yes..." I spoke. "Yes! Well, as we talked about before, no one has ever seen Mr. England, so I guess you could say other people are eager to meet him. Some in a very scary way," he explained. I knew it...they would do terrible things to me once they found me. "Would Mr. France be like that too? Would he try and hurt England?" I asked.

It was dangerous to be in another country alone. Francis looked at me sadly and slowly nodded his head. "Only...let me try and explain this...these people were created to do the dirty work humans can't do, even if it involves humans at times. France would come for England to build its empire. Whether he enjoys it or not...well, it is a mystery..." he spoke slowly. He began to think about something, and I placed a hand on his thigh.

France would kill me if he knew where I was.

"What if England did not want to fight? What if he wanted to make friends?" I asked.

"Well... that is hard to say; as I said, no one has seen or spoken to him. People have seen his brothers, and they could be cruel, so I assume people believe he could be that way too."

Well, he was right about my brothers being cruel.

"I see. Do you think if England tried to talk to France, France would be nice? Or would it go terribly wrong?" I asked. Even if there were a slight chance that I could peacefully talk to him, that would be enough for me. "Well, I believe so, but he would have to talk to him ASAP! To prevent any misunderstandings, but no one has seen him! Who knows what he is like! He could be this crazy person out for world domination!" Francis laughed.

Well, was it wrong that I did want that a little bit? I hated people treating me like I was weak. It was one of my main influences on wanting to be the most powerful empire. "Well, maybe one day he will show his face," I spoke. Francis shrugged his shoulders and pulled me close. "Who knows..." he spoke softly.

Maybe I could even disguise myself to meet France one day. "Maybe I could even meet France one day! From what you tell me, he could be nice," I smiled. He jumped a little at what I said and smiled. "Oh yes, maybe one day," he laughed nervously. He was indeed the odd one of us. Maybe I don't talk to enough humans.

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