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2 years later•

"I never wanted this." Tyler said. "I never wanted to hurt my Josh. The demons told me that if I didn't kill him, I would die. I should've gave up, and killed myself when I had the chance, but I didn't. They forced me to kill my Josh, but I am responsible. I know the jury cared that I was ill, but I shouldn't been alive, Josh should be. He was the most beautiful man who had a heart of true love and cared about everyone. I fell in love with him, and he fell in love with me, and I miss him dearly."

Tyler, even though he was handcuffed, buried his head in his hands and sobbed. He sobbed harder than when he did grieving after Josh's death. He couldn't hold back his emotions.

The psychiatrist felt horrible for the boy, even though he was a killer. She wanted to reach out and hug him, but she wasn't allowed to.

"Tyler, I'm so sorry that it had to be like this for you."

"You don't need to apologize, ma'am. What I did was a result of my insanity. I need to be punished for what I've done."

"The demons did it, Tyler. Stop blaming yourself."

The psychiatrist was too kind to the boy to make him think that the demons were to blame for Josh's murder. Tyler kept on telling her, repeatedly that he was to blame, but she refused.

After the appointment, Tyler was led into his room by his nurse, Jenna.

"How did it go?" She asked.

"Same, as always."

"I hope you got what you needed to say off your chest."


He turned away.

"Me too."

Later at night, as everyone slept, Tyler laid in bed, and seemed to look awake, but he wasn't moving. His hands were on his chest, and his eyes were open.

The staff thought he was not sleeping and came to check on him, but when they shook him, he didn't move or flinch.

They did everything to awaken him, but nothing would help.

They had no idea that Tyler was dead.


"Hello? W-Where am I? W-What's happening?"

"You're one of us now."

A white figure with wings took his hand. She was so beautiful, like an angel.

"W-Who are you?"

"I am an angel of the Lord." She said. "You're in Heaven."

Tyler was so confused. He never thought he'd be in a place of paradise. He always thought he was gonna go to Hell.

"Why am I here?"

"Because you've suffered so much on earth, the Lord decided to bring you here so you can live in peace and happiness."

Tyler was so happy. Not only he was relieved from the demons that tortured him, he was now living in a land of hope and love.

As he was cherishing these moments, he heard a familiar voice.

"Tyler, is that you?"

The boy turned and saw what he thought he'd never see again.


He ran to him and embraced him.

"Josh! I can't believe it's you! And you're not dead!"

"Of course I'm not." Josh replied.

"I'm so happy we can be together again!"

"Me too."

As they shared the moment, Tyler saw that Josh had wings, and they were glowing.

"Josh, your wings, they're beautiful."

"So are yours." Josh said.


"You have wings too."

Tyler looked behind him, and saw he had wings that glowed like Josh's."

"I thought we were no angels."

"We are, and we'll always be."

Tyler and Josh's lips touched as all the angels gathered around them, lifting them into the Heaven sky, filling them with holiness and grace.

Their angel souls collided, making them one.

From that moment on, Tyler and Josh lived in peace and harmony.

And they always were together, forever.

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